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Hear the Silver and Gold Medal winning performances at Winter Storm Tuesday, February 28, 2006 I was with Jim McGillivray during the Mardi Gras weekend and we discussed some great news for pipers and composers. Along with Stuart Lowe, Jim is developing a repository site for pipe music. Composers will be able to list with the site and pipers will be able to download original music by the tune. With an appropriate fee structure in place, royalties will be remitted to each composer. It is about time that the internet is used in such a way as to safeguard copyright while at the same time seeing remuneration for the creative efforts of so many players. Jim has already engaged the best - Bruce Gandy, Roddy S. MacDonald, James MacHattie, just to name a few. The Captain's Corner will actively promote this new venture and use it wherever possible. Good luck Jim ! Monday, February 27, 2006 Mardi Gras !!!!! Red River Pipes and Drums - the best ever! I am just in the door after the most enjoyable and fantastic few days of the year. In fact, I have coined a new word to describe this event...the best socio-pipio weekend in the world .... food, parties, the parade, a recital and of course, 3 full days of piping instruction. The level of playing this year was higher than ever. What can be said about the enthusiasm...it can't get any higher. Credit has to go to the members of the Red River Pipes and Drums once again....attendance was at a maximum...organization superb.....and my pics are starting to come in.....if you have any pics for the gallery, please send them on.....View the Pics ! Now for the recovery stage!!!!!! The 2006 Instruction Team - Jim, Rob, Captain, Jack and Angus Wednesday, February 22, 2006 Pics coming in from the Winnipeg Scottish Festival on the weekend (courtesy of Buzz Brown)
P/M Wes Sheppard and St. Andrew's at the line - Bruce very attentive !
The Captain, Dave Hicks & Andrew Bonar Minnesota walking into circle Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Getting ready! Mardi Gras this weekend! Monday, February 20, 2006 Just in from Winnipeg and a great weekend it was! The Winnipeg Scottish Festival is run by a committee of volunteers headed up by Marlene Stephen. The efficiency of the games is a model of perfection.... many competitors and all contests run on time. Congratulations to everyone associated with this event. On Sunday, John Fisher and myself had the pleasure of conducting band workshops for the St. Andrew's Society Grade 4 and 2 bands. P/M Wes Sheppard has certainly put together a top ranking Grade 2 operation. I was particularly impressed with their medley construction. It displays the band's great musicality. I couldn't help feel that Wes learned a great deal during his stay in the 78th.....looks good on ya Wes. This will definitely be a band to be reckoned with this summer on the grade two circuit. And to my surprise in the mail today, I got a photo and letter from June Rollo. June's husband Ronnie was my pipe sergeant back in 1974 before he took over the top job at the Toronto and District Pipe Band. Here is June's letter and photo: Hi Ken,
I was looking for another photo and came on this one. Thought you should have it. It was smaller and when enlarged it lost some of the clarity. Still good though. By the smile on Ronnie's face I would say that he thought it was a good performance. I have it dated as 1974 Stirling, Scotland. Would you agree?
Funny sideline to the photo. It was taken by Reid (Coffee) Maxwell's Grandmother, and asked why she took it she said " I thought they were good looking men and I liked the tartan". She didn't know a thing about the band.
We do enjoy your web-site. Keep up the good work.
All for now.
Friday, February 17, 2006 Trivia anyone? What's -34o C , flat and snow covered? .... Give up ?..... Winnipeg, Manitoba .... and that is where Bob Worrall and myself are headed later this afternoon. The annual Indoor Winnipeg Scottish Festival is being held this Saturday at the convention centre in downtown Winnipeg. Along with the piping, drumming and band events during the day, there is a ceilidh at night where there is always good entertainment. So if you are travelling to Winnipeg, stop in and see us..... next week, we travel to Shreveport, Louisiana for the annual Red River Pipe Band Mardi Gras School. Joining me will be Angus McColl, Jack Lee, Jim McGillivray and Rob Crabtree. It is always a fabulous weekend centred around the huge parade on the Saturday afternoon - piping, eating, more piping, more eating....well you get the idea.....this is also a chance for many of us to catch up on the latest with the many friends we see only a couple times of the year. Sunday, February 12, 2006 I just finished a tele-lesson this morning and suddenly realized how technology has changed our lives. The lesson lasted on the phone for 1 hour and 25 minutes. During that time the student played a full MSR for me while I critiqued it....then we discussed grace note technique and why grace notes are used in a tune. We started and completed the instruction on a new 2/4 competitive march and finished with a new Donald MacLeod slow air in 12/8 time. The lesson was far more intense that a similar lesson in my music room. We didn't make room for time-wasting chat. All comments had a musical purpose..........It is amazing how the technology has improved the efficiency of receiving and delivering a lesson. If only my teacher, John Wilson, were here to witness this. I can't wait till the next one. I would like to hear from you ! Read Comments Friday, February 10, 2006 Just sitting home on Friday night playing a few tunes and thinking about the weeks ahead. Mardi Gras So I wanted to wet your appetite.... There are more where these came from........want a look? I would like to hear from you ! Read Comments Wednesday, February 8, 2006 Many have asked about Alaskan photos...scenery, animals, fishing... here are a couple of photos taken by my friends, Michael, Diana, Carraig, Maire and Padriag New. They take occasional over nighters on their boat into remote areas outside of Juneau, Alaska. An Alaskan Sunset, Berner's Bay, Alaska ( courtesy of Dr. Michael New, Douglas, AK) The Humpback Whale - close at hand - Berner's Bay, Alaska (courtesy of Dr. Michael New, Douglas, AK) Tuesday, February 7, 2006 Just in from Alaska...17 hours in transit...6 hours in Seattle airport during the Super Bowl...GO STEELERS GO....ouch...I was a minority of one! No..really of two. My friend Alasdair was also in Seattle pulling for his Steelers. When you are a supporter, the environment doesn't matter and so it was to be. A non piping lady came up to me and asked me why I was cheering for the away team (she wasn't quite that polite). I tried to think quickly....how about 1998, cheering for the Vic Police...yep...there was an analogy in the piping world....so I says, " Lady, gotta do what you think is the best"...and yep, 1998 was the best! What do you think was the best pipe band performance you have heard on CD, tape, or live. I played in one....can you identify it ?...hint .....on the World's CD? I would like to hear from you ! Read Comments Wednesday, February 1, 2006 I came across the most fascinating article last night on music and the learning process. I have to share this with you as it is at the very foundation of my teaching philosophy on learning and playing music. Amazing that I had to read it in the preface to Scottish Songs edited by Helen Hopekirk in 1905. I will quote her lament on music at the turn of the century and invite your thoughts and input on this. " I have often wondered if the introduction of the cheap piano has anything to do with the decline of song as a means of expression amongst the people. Before the era of universal piano-playing, the people used to THINK music; and from THINKING to EXPRESSING is but a step. They improvised little strains over their work, and by repetition and addition the little song grew unconsciously. Now, their ambition is to have a piano and have their children learn to play. "Learning music" to them means lerning to play the piano and so, that unfortunate instrument has become to them a substitute for music in the BRAIN. " Ms. Hopekirk continues to impress us of the roots of Gaelic song and of course piping in the Western Isles, where for centuries little was known of the piano. Canned music does not make a musician. In many respects, playing pipes and playing music are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Music is a cerebral endeavor where the mere playing of an instrument is physical. Where do you stand.... do you play from the musical score on the table in front of you or do you really play music from the head! I would like to hear from you ! Read Comments Monday, January 30, 2006 Alaska is beautiful this time of year. I arrived on Friday and had a full schedule of teaching and preparing for Saturday's Burns Night celebration. It went off without a hitch. A crowd of about 350 were feted to an evening that included a buffet styled roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, and haggis supper, an evening of super entertainment with the Stroller White Pipe Band and dancers, a silent auction, whisky tasting and much more. Midnite came much too soon on Saturday evening. As I stated, Alaska is beautiful this time of year....2 feet of snow, a crisp 25oF...a far cry from the 40oF + that I left in the East ! The Mendenhall Glacier is spectacular as it overlooks the valley just north of Juneau proper. Known as a destination for heli-tourists during the cruise season, in the winter months it becomes an area for quiet walks and hiking. The Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska Thursday, January 26, 2006 The day after Robbie Burn's Birthday - oops I forgot to celebrate it. But I won't forget to celebrate Iain's birthday at the British Shop today. Click on image Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Well today, I start packing. Reports from Juneau indicate that the snow has finally arrived...Alaska as we vision it .... The Stroller White Pipes and Drums are rehearsing all week for their gala Robbie Burns evening this coming Saturday. I played there 2 years ago at the time they invited the Midnight Sun Pipe band from Whitehorse, Yukon to join them. Distance is such in the Northwest that events for getting together happen infrequently and when they do, it is time to celebrate. Few Highland Games are held....Anchorage in June being the only major contest. We in the East or the South take it for granted with shorter driving times to events. The remoteness of the north also means that there are fewer pipers and they are farther between, so sacrifices must be made. The Stroller White Pipes and Drums at the Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska But the Stroller White Pipes and Drums are thriving. Their numbers have steadily increased. They have a teaching program in place with younger players learning the instrument. Their drum section has exploded form basically one snare to four and the midsection has made similar gains. Laurie Gardner is the Pipe Major. Her experience was gained in her early years in Washington State. She fulfills the double role as the local dancing instructor. Congratulations to the Stroller White Pipes and Drums. I look forward to my next week with you. Saturday, January 21, 2006 Well,the recovery week is over, but there are still lingering effects of Winter Storm. The pics are starting to show up in the forums and on individual sites. Discussion is lively on Bob Dunsire's as it was last year....so many people and so much fun! Today, I have to move on to preparation for next week. Monday to Thursday I will teaching regular classes. Then on Friday I fly to Juneau, Alaska to celebrate the Robbie Burns evening annually put on by the Stroller White Pipes and Drums. I will remain in Juneau until Sunday, February 5 and then the overnite flight back home. No fishing this time...what a pity...but I will be staying in George Campbell's Piping Centre, the hub of all the activity. I have written a hornpipe for this which you will receive in the Classroom. Try it out. It is a good tune for solos or bands. Comments are appreciated. View comments. Monday, January 16, 2006 Recovery MODE !!!!!! Winter Storm was closer to the Great Winter Blizzard! What a weekend...music, people, competitions, parties, networking...food, fun....and the long trip home was worth every minute as Duncan (Gibson), my travelling partner and I savored the great 4 days. Now to some important things as the weekend details unfold! I promised to post the winning performances of the Silver and Gold Medals in piping. Congratulations go out to both Lyric Todkill of Houston, Texas for his Silver Medal performance playing The Duke of Athole's Salute and to Iain Whitelaw, of Redondo Beach, California for his winning, Nameless, Campbell Canntaireachd Vol.1, Tune 34, in the Gold Medal event. With the kind permission of MHAF, the organizers of Winter Storm, I am able to present these to you here. Lyric Todkill (Click on Images) Iain Whitelaw Comments please ! Comments are appreciated. Wednesday, January 11, 2006 All packed and ready to fly out....big weekend is here. The Silver Medal is on Friday during the day at the Winter Storm and the Gold Medal is in the evening. I am recording the medal competitions, and hopefully, with copyright permission, I will be able to broadcast the winners of each event by Saturday morning...look back to hear some good medal tunes....the judges are Alasdair Gillies, John Cairns, Andrew Wright, Mike Cusack, Stuart Liddell and Willie McCallum.....the MC is the Captain....I might have been a judge, but I lack 2 Gold Medals .... alas...sigh... Tuesday, January 10, 2006 We're going to Kansas City...Kansas City here we come !!! Yep....the countdown is on....the best weekend of the year...intense, dramatic, fun, the most fabulous concert....all the people...no sleep...all my pals there...... Willie, Alasdair, Stuart, Jack, JK, Haggis..... Duncan, Coffee, Barry, Andrew....Scott, Ty Man, JC and the Headmaster...who can not enjoy being with the Fish....and the commish : Jeff, Henry, Cliff and Mark.....what can I say? Winter Storm 2006 (click on image) Working hard tonite on the program details. The machinery has been in motion for months. These guys have it all together.... so, sing along with me...We're going to Kansas City...Kansas City here we come! Monday, January 9, 2006 Well, back to the lessons for everybody today ..... it felt like coming back home .... The Captain's Corner was announced last night on the Bob Dunsire Forums . Earlier today, Andrew Berthoff listed this site in the links page of the Piper and Drummer Online. As time goes on, we will build up our links to other sites. Of particular interest to me today was a letter from our daughter Lindsay. "Guess what I did this weekend Dad ?" followed by Picture says it all ! Sunday, January 8, 2006 Well the New Year is over and back to work for everyone. After a quiet hogmanay, the excitement started here at the Corner. On Monday, January 2 we started a remake of the site. You now see the end product. Where possible, we have cut the fat, trimmed the excess and economized to make all areas easily accessible and trouble-free in navigation. You will definitely experience this as you travel from one room to another. Thanks are due to all our initial subscribers for their many suggestions for improvement. But our job isn't finished. Please be diligent in your use of these pages. If there is something to be improved, go to the feedback room and let us know.
Pipe Major Paul deBoth Some big changes happening here in the Niagara Region. The local Grade 2 band, the Niagara Regional Police, and the Braemar Pipe Band, Grades 5,4 and 3 are undergoing major changes, and all of these at the top level. As of today, the NRP are looking for a new Pipe Major with the sudden exit of Paul deBoth after less than two years in the position. Likewise today, word leaked that Pipe Major Ron Bowen has been selected as piping instructor for St. John's Military Academy in Milwaukee, WI, thus forcing him to vacate the position he has held for at least 5 years with the St. Catharines based band. The immediate future of these two organizations definitely rests with the current memberships. I wish them every success in their searches for replacements. People of calibre are a rare commodity ! Pipe Major Ron (Ringo) Bowen Saturday, December 31, 2005 Happy New Year !!!!! the end of 2005 has come and we look forward to a great 2006. We wish the best to all. The schedule is full for January. If you have never been to Winter Storm, then you are missing the weekend event of the year. January 13, 14 and 15 in Kansas City is the place to be. At the end of the month, I travel to Juneau, Alaska for the Stroller White Pipes and Drums annual Burns Supper. While there, we will have the usual opportunity for private lessons. As far as this website is concerned, we have now privatized the School for subscribers only. A username and password will be issued upon receipt of your annual fees. If you have already subscribed then try it out here. If you are not a subscriber, then why not visit the Preview page now. Have a look at the sample lessons and then subscribe by emailing me through the Contacts page. Thursday, December 22, 2005
Montevideo, Uruguay, December 2004 The Admiral and I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and the best for 2006. Thank you all for the many suggestions that have helped us to better this site. Soon, a new format will appear in the navigational bar along with a more personalized classroom setting. In the meantime, we hope you bring in the New Year with a tune on your pipes. Perhaps in a small way, the Captain's Corner has helped to take your favorite tune to the next level. Monday, December 19, 2005 Its the Monday before Christmas and the countdown is on. I have watched my piping students scour the shops for their perfect gifts, yet I haven't started myself. I awoke this morning with an unusual Christmas thought. For years when the kids were young, it was always said that Christmas was for them. But now that they are older, things have reversed. The Admiral and I have 2 children, Cam at 24 and Lindsay at 28. For the first time in many years they will be home together for the holidays. Truly, Christmas is now for the parents. Lindsay arrives this morning from Calgary, Alberta so I will drive to Toronto International to pick her up. Cam works till December 23 in North Bay, Ontario and will be arriving in Burlington on the GO train sometime later that night. Soooooooo, I had better get shoppin'. Now, what does a piper buy for non-piping children.....ah, maybe a practice chanter and The College of Piping green book. Never too late to start, you know ! Sunday, December 11, 2005 I can't believe that almost two weeks have passed since my last posting here. It wasn't so much that I was caught up in the Christmas spirit. I was attending to the many piping students that were finishing up their Fall studies with me. At this time of year I have an opportunity to reflect on the progress each one is making and offer advice for the winter sessions beginning soon. We have many discussions on gifts for the season, ranging from stocking stuffers to major presents for their piping friends. Reed protectors, chanters, books, CD's ...you name it.... even a new set of pipes...which brings me to my point. I am taking you back to Christmas morning, 1956. A young Captain has just finished 16 months of practice chanter only, exercise after exercise.That's how we learned in those days. My Logan's Tutor is just in shreds. Under the tree is a large box wrapped with my mother's usual care. But that didn't stop me from tearing the paper to bits and quickly pulling the cardboard box lid off! And there they were....my own pipes.....MacPherson, full imitation ivory, made by Willie Sinclair himself ! Pull them from the box ( just like MacDuff if you have the McGillivray video Pipes Up !).... but I was on my own. I puffed and blew into the blowpipe, but nothing would go in...no air...no sound...perhaps the only time in his life that the Captain cried!....For three days there wasn't even a peep from my dormant pipes.... Finally, my father took me to my teacher Dick MacPherson, for some help. It turns out that just before delivery, Dick had seasoned my pipes with Robertson AirTight and the seasoning had stuck the valve totally closed....I didn't even know what a valve was.... a piece of leather? Stop air from leaking out? Chew it to keep it supple ? If only I knew then about the AirStream and L'il Mac valves .... Pipers today sure have it easy. So to all my beginners, stick with it. Your startup frustrations are certainly just part of the game.. Tuesday, November 29, 2005 A few events have occurred this past month and nothing like the following photo sums up the great things that have happened to the Rollo-Gandy families. As most know, Bruce Gandy married Bev Rollo, daughter of Ronnie and June Rollo. Alex Gandy is the son of Bruce and Bev. How's this for a month ? Bruce earns the invitation to the Glenfiddich Championships and places third in the piobaireachd event with a masterfull airing of MacCrimmon's Sweetheart. He then travels to London England and plays well at the Bratach Gorm. Shortly thereafter, son Alex travels to Hamilton, Ontario for the George Sherriff Memorial amateur contest and tops the field ( see the P&D On-Line for results). With that he wins a trip to Scotland and a new set of McCallum pipes...what a haul ! And to top the month off, father in law Ronnie Rollo is elected to the highest office in the Ontario pipe band scene - president of the PPBSO ( again see the P&D On-Line)... so, Rollo's and Gandy's, please stand up for a curtain call !!!!!
Proudly stands Ronnie, Alex, June and Bruce at the Sherriff Photo courtesy of Bob Worrall
Monday, November 28, 2005 Monday morning and the start of a new week. Tom Foote and I just arrived home from a great weekend with the 3 bands of the Mohawk Valley Frasers. Jim Clough, Ed Nickerson and Carl Sturtevant do a great job with the Grade 3,4 and 5 bands there. As always, we stayed with Carl and his wife Linda. They go out of their way to accomodate us...Linda's breakfasts would make any Irish B&B jealous! In my mailbox this morning was a pic of Bob MacCrimmon, my former P/S in the Clan MacFarlane. He is currently working in OZ. For those that don't know the DUKE, he is a member of the Music Board of the PPBSO and also on their panel of adjudicators.In addition, many years ago, I wrote a tune for him called the Duke of Glengarry, published in two books - one by Charlie Glendinning and the other by Sandy Keith. And YES ! he is descended from the REAL MacCrimmons ! Life is tough for the Duke down under ! I wonder if "MacCrimmon Will Ever Return" Thursday, November 24, 2005 Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends in the USA. My mother was born of Irish parents in the USA, so growing up here in Canada was special.....we always celebrated both Thanksgivings!!!! In fact, I just might again this year. I will be spending the weekend in Rome, NY with the Mohawk Valley Frasers Pipe Band. Tom Foote and myself are staying with our good friends Carl and Linda Sturtevant who have always been great hosts. On another note, the 2006 Highland Games schedule for Ontario was released today. I got my judges' availability form in the mail. The efficiency of this organization has improved so much during the tenure of Bob Allen. All pipers and drummers will be sorry to see him leave office on Saturday. We wish him well ..... and more importantly, thanks Bob for a job well done. Wednesday, November 23, 2005 E-gads ! Woke up this morning to a layer of snow on the ground. The temperature is below freezing.....hardly the weather for pipes. Better stoke the woodstoves ( We heat with wood ) and fill the kettles with H2O. I never have a dryness problem in the winter as long as I am pouring moisture into my kitchen and livingroom. Having two sets of pipes on the go, I leave them open on guitar stands. They become a piece of the furniture. But more importantly, there isn't a day that I go by a set and not feel guilty if I don't play them...and guilt is a great motivator ! Tuesday, November 22, 2005 Its been another eventful day here at the computer. I received a letter from Bobby Minnear subscribing to the Captain's Corner. In his note Bobby brings me up to date with his piping and family life. Many pipers on the East Coast of the USA and here in Ontario will remember Bobby from the days when he played with the Clan MacFarlane and also Metro Toronto Police. His wife Helen is a talented drummer also. Well, Bobby and Helen left this part of the world several years ago and became very successful in the silicon valley of California. Now, 3 kids later and a new job, he has moved to Atlanta, close to where he was raised. Welcome back to the piping fraternity Bobby. On the music page I have left a recording of Farewell to the Creeks, your fav 6/8 of all time. Sunday, November 20, 2005 Things are starting to work here...Roberta from Wisconsin, is starting to use the site and she sent me the following this morning...thanks Roberta...it makes it all worthwhile: Hello Ken,
I just had to look and could see there was already a change on the web page. The audio download is perfect and I was able to get it onto the hard drive and reopen it from there.
I am relieved that the lesson is on the practice chanter. I like your phrasing technique and the speeds demonstrated. I am thankful for the recommendations on playing speed too.
I can really hear the specific doublings now ( and their associated beats). Just like you intended, I imagine, as though "we" were all in a classroom for chanter practice. I am thrilled!! I have a real instructor for the first time. There is little piping in northern Wisconsin as you well know and I have at least 3 new recruits for you in due time. (No, none of us can practice together ...maybe in a few years).
Again, thanks so much Ken, for such an endeavor as this.
Friday, November 18, 2005 Do you enjoy
Friday, November 18,2005 A day off from teaching today....the cold weather has finally hit. At the British Shop yesterday attendance was good, but poor Jerry could not make it because he was snowed in. That's right...snowed in ..... 15 inches of snow. Ken K. made it in despite a snow blower that was touchy starting in the morning and Tori fought traffic to get her bi-weekly piobaireachd fix. For me, clear sailing all the way home, with a few flurries near the Hollow. Wednesday, November 16, 2005 The weekend in Albany was most eventful for other than just the seminar. Ed and I had the opportunity to sit for many longer than usual conversations in an atmosphere where we weren't having to rush to some other piping event. In particular, we had a long talk with Lezlie Webster. Lezlie and her husband Gordon operate the The New Hampshire School of Scottish Arts in Manchester, NH. This is a full teaching institute for both dance and music. Of interest is the fact that Lezlie has just assumed responsibilty for the Bagpipe Museum formally operated by Jim Coldren in Maryland. She is busy cataloging and preparing to expand the usage of the museum. With this in mind, there is a distinct possibility of "setting up" linked satellite museums for the reposit of historical articles, music and instruments in various other areas of North America. We will explore that in conjunction with this website. This reminds me as well of the link between the Museum and my good friend Steve Scaife who operates Ceol Sean, a company that has specialized in bringing old manuscripts back to life by reproducing them in CD format. Visit Steve's website at Ceol Sean and explore the numerous manuscripts available for the best prices in the world ! While there, read about the original Bagpipe Museum operated by Jim Coldren. On another note, Reay MacKay reveiled that he has a new music book in the works. This promises to be special from the point of view that Reay is one of those rare musicians - taught by Murdoch MacLeod and John Wilson, with a strong background in Piobaireachd - but also a former professional accordian player. I anticipate some good music within these promised pages - or will it be published in CD format. The time has come to consider such options. Monday, November 14, 2005 Ed Neigh and I attended the EUSPBA judges' seminar that was presented in Albany, NY on the weekend. The workshop was hosted by the North East branch and it afforded everyone time to socialize at the awards evening on Saturday before sitting down to the main workshop on Sunday. This year, the entire day was devoted to ensemble....the leaders being Jack Lee and Reid Maxwell from SFU. The room was packed with nearly 40 judges to hear and see the demonstrations put on by the two former world champions. And they didn't disappoint. The dialogue was electric and at all times carefully thought out. The afternoon session included live performances by two bands, the Oran Mor Pipe Band , Pipe Major Donald Lindsay and the Scotia-Glenville Pipe Band taught by Maureen Connor. The weekend was made extra special by my passenger, Ed. Not only did I get a constant conversation - I got history mixed with music, mixed with everything from judging skills to playing skills, and even a free lesson on a couple of tunes to boot. What more could you ask for ! Hats off to the organizers and in particular, Chuck Murdoch, chairman of the music board. Friday, November 4,2005 I just got home from the first meeting of the Toronto Branch of the PPBSO. Gary Moore as President is reviving the branch which has been more or less dormant for 2 years. In attendance was Ronnie and June Rollo. Ronnie is the VP of the PPBSO. It was good to see him and have a good chat. Heather Wiens delivered an inspirational talk on composing music and played the tune she wrote to win 2nd prize in the Princess Diana contest.
Now the question - I counted 18 in attendance. Certainly in a city of the size of Toronto there is enough pipers and drummers to fill the hall at Dennison Armouries. Hats off to those attending and may the next meeting in December be a roaring success.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 While attending the Kilrush Traditional Music Festival this past August, I came across a sign in Crotty's Pub, dated 1749. It is relevant today in the light of copywrite and music "poaching":
Poaching Tenants and locals will not poach on said river for a distance of six miles. Tenants at their peril. Hardened gamekeepers on duty.
Richard Martin Conemarra, May, 1749 Music Poachers Pipers and webmasters will not poach said tunes for a timeframe of 25 years. Pipers at their peril. Hardened composers on duty. Bruce Gandy Bill Livingstone Bob Worrall R.S.MacDonald Toronto, September, 2005 Take a good look at Andrew Berthoff's article at the P&D site for an interesting viewpoint on the current state of copywrite and bagpipe music. In fact, browsing The Piper and Drummer Online on a regular basis will keep you in the loop for all the important events in the piping world.
Copyright © 2005,2006 The Captain's Corner |
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