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The William Livingstone Sr. Memorial Invitational
The US Prize Pipe Winning Performances 2007 Ian Whitelaw Lord Lovat's Lament (Angus MacKay's setting) Spend a Week in Paradise with Ian and Murray Henderson
Suturday, June 23, 2007 Lots of Things Happening! Congratulations to the Field Marshall Montgomery Pipe Band from NI on their win this afternoon in the British Championships.... well done Alex Gandy ! Your first big win with Montgomery.... A special mention is due the North Lanarkshire Schools which placed 2nd in the Novice Competition. This fine young group of students being instructed by members of the Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band are the epitome of the strength in teaching the young. One of my students, Graham Donaldson from Buffalo, NY will soon be travelling for a vacation to Lanarkshire and with lots of practice, will have an opportunity to gain experience in this band. Good luck Graham! On another note, the Ontario School of Piping and Drumming starts tomorrow and I am reminded that Angus MacColl will once again be with us. Now have a look at the following...life at the top is not always serious as the following Western themes might suggest!
Angus MacColl and Fred Morrison riding the range at Winter Storm 2007 The Captain, Angus MacColl, Tom McKee, Fred Morrison and Willie McCallum Thanks to Dr. Tom McKee for these photos. Tom goes way back in piping - many years attending the Ontario School, a long time member of the Kansas City St. Andrew Pipe Band, the father of piper Ian McKee and a top flight fly fisherman to boot....can't be all bad in my books!
Sunday, June 17, 2007 Milwaukee School a Roaring Success Just in from another super piping and drumming school in Milwaukee. This year, the teaching faculty was first class and it showed in the progress the attendees made. Enthusiasm ran high. The climax of the week was the Thursday night concert where the instructors all played to a high standard and entertained the audience in excess of 400. This concert is annually held in the converted church owned by the Irish Cultural Centre of Milwaukee.... Ron Bowen, Andrew Beck, Bruce Gandy, John Fisher, Lyric Todkill, Doug MacRae, Kevin Arnold, Tyler Fry, Captain The Concert - 70 pipers, 25 drummers ! Plus Organ..... Tyler Fry, Doug MacRae, Lyric Todkill, Bruce Gandy and John Fisher
Friday, June 8, 2007 Home from Alaska! ...and what a trip it was! A few pics and snippets over the next few days will introduce you to perhaps one of the most beautiful places on earth....remote....unsullied by the pollution about us everywhere...a place for the outdoors person...great fishing and scenery....But first, many thanks to my good friends Bruce (Wrangler) McQueen and his wife Nancy for hosting the first week in Wrangell, where we fished for Salmon, Cod, Halibut, crab, shrimps and even caught an octupus in one of the traps!
Nancy and Bruce McQueen A halibut I took while fishing for King Salmon! To set the picture, Bruce and Nancy live on a 3 acre plot of land secured many years ago through the Alaska State Land Lottery system. They homesteaded it over the years and now have a palatial resort-like home complete with a guest cottage and workshops. They live some 22 miles by water from the nearest town, Wrangell, AK. Above, they are cooking our supper, fresh dungie crab caught just minutes prior in the ocean afronting their house......need I tell you about the taste when sauteed in garlic butter? For the piper, here is a tune called Wrangler McQueen, that I composed back in 2005.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Off this week to Wrangell, Alaska. Bruce McQueen, Dan McCrummen and I are piping and fishing for 5 days during the local King salmon derby. We will fish the tides and play on shore till Saturday and then off to Juneau for an overnite stay with Rai and Sue Behnert before hopping a plane to Yakutat and our annual Steelhead quest up the Situk River... the best Steelhead waters in the world .... waders and 9 weight fly rods for a week. Upon returning June 1 to Juneau the Stroller White Pipe Band will start its preparations for the Canmore and Calgary Games this September. Fishin' and pipin' - can it get any better?
Friday, May 18, 2007 Your Weekend Entertainment The Mudmen: Beer Hall Heroes The Mudmen - Sandy and Rob Campbell in the background "You wouldn't believe what we've done to get this band going," states Sandy Campbell, one-half of the fraternally conceived rockers, the Mudmen. With (twin?) brother Rob equally pumped and ready to take their Celtic-and-punk-induced music to the next level, these barrel-chested bagpipers are leading their band across Canada to many a sweaty, drunken beer hall. He continues, "We've slept in a rehearsal studio, we've slept in a car, we've done just about everything to get this band on its feet. Hell, we still work construction when we really have to pay the bills." Looking at these "boys" fill their Scottish Soccer team shirts to the point of popping seams, one really doesn't worry about their ability to toss around some lumber and cement. Let's put it this way, there's talk of a wrestling contract. Get the idea? ... copyright review by Keith Carman, ChartAttack.com And to think that we played with both Rob and Sandy in the 78th many years ago ! They certainly have taken their music to a new level and fresh audience. The Big Time ! .... and now to national television: Congratulations Rob and Sandy....I will be tuned in.....
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 What's in the Mind of a Competitor ? Have you read the "Inner game of Music" - a fabulous resource for anyone attempting to perform in public (or privately) and they experience those distractions that prevent them from playing at their potential..... physical distractions, emotional and mental interference...anything that gets in the way of the music.... Well the symptoms are real for everyone of us and Michael Grey in his blog has written one of the best articles I have ever, ever read. As I told him: "Michael....true story for sure....amazingly right on topic for The Inner Game of Music....and something every piper has gone through if they dare to perform at the best of their ability....gotta love how you express this.... with your permission, I would like to share with my blog readers and link to it?..... and BTW, masterly written..... in fact, ironically (and sympathetically) entertaining!!! " Michael Grey (click on photo)
Saturday, May 12, 2007 The William Livingstone Sr. Memorial Invitational Hamilton, Ontario, Saturday, May 12, 2007 The Adjudicators - Andrew Berthoff, John MacKenzie, John Cairns
Overall Winner - Ian K. MacDonald, Whitby, ON
The other prize winners - Sean McKeown (Toronto), Jacob Dicker (Sarnia), James MacHattie (Toronto) All the results are posted at the Pipes|Drums website . To download the audio files of the contest - click here .
Friday, May 11, 2007 My Father's Son We have seen this before - the title of Bruce Gandy's most recent CD...and a classic it is. But have a look at the following. The title is just as appropriate here for Alasdair and Norrie Gillies. Both are to headline the College of Piping recitals in Glasgow during Piping Live in August. This little throwback certainly verifies that they come from the same stock! Which piper is Norrie? Who has the best fingers? The Piper's Gillies Alasdair recently sent me an email from the tattoo in Virginia with a few photos: Cap'n It sure has been a busy time playing the Tattoo and competing. Here's a couple of photos from various events. A wee lassie came up and introduced herself to us on the last day of the Tattoo. She told us she has a very famous uncle that plays pipes. Her name is Kirsty. Her uncle is none other than your pal and mine, Willie McCallum. Kirsty was out on the Tattoo with the Scottish dancers who came from Ayr and Campbelltown. The other photo is of Norrie and I playing outside the Scope Arena in Norfolk. Also a photo of Alasdair Fraser and me after we played a wee jam session at the concert at the Bridgeport Highland Games. I'm holding the Hamish Moore A Bomb pipe. All the best my friend. I'm off to Texas tomorrow then Fairhill then Alma. Busy, Busy.
![]() ![]() Norrie and Alasdair at the Scope Arena, Norfolk, VA The Two Alasdair's - Fraser and Gillies
![]() Kirsty flanked by Norrie and Alasdair...a small world!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007 Ann Gray, mother of Robyn, current US Piping Federation title holder, recipient of the Dunvegan medal for Piobaireachd at Portree, Skye, instructor at schools across Canada and the United States, former member of the Scotia Legion Grade 1, leader of her own group Seanachie and CD recording artist! ....... and now graduated as a lawyer. May 10, 2007 marks the day Ann leaves the University of Calgary with her law degree in hand, soon to take up her new position articling for the year, a step necessary to hang her sign in a law firm in Alberta..... A milestone considering how far this talented lady has come from her native Nova Scotian roots. The Corner offers her huge congrats and best wishes for a successful new career.....well done Ann! Email Ann with best wishes ....... Ann Gray
Monday, May 7, 2007 Edmonton and District Pipe Band Doug Stronach and I are out in Edmonton still, where we have just completed a most successful weekend with the two bands on the Edmonton and District Pipe Band. On Saturday we worked with the Grade 4 band under the leadership of Pipe Major Harold Palmer. The band is clicking on all cylinders, boasting a pipe section of 18 pipers and drum section of of 10. Grade 4 bands have made huge strides of late, and the competition circle will certainly here this band at its finest.
The Grade 4 table with P/M Harold Palmer at the head P/M Dave Trew, Doug, D/S Craig Weston, Captain We spent Sunday with the Grade 3 band.... overall impression? - whew! great sound, superb technique, tempos that would rival any grade 2 band and some grade 1 bands. The 13 pipers, 5 sides, 3 tenors and bass attending, went through their competitive repertoires for us in a 6 hour session that typified how hard and diligently this group practices under P/M Dave Trew and D/S Craig Weston. They will be attending the North American championships at Maxville this year and are already serving notice that they mean business. Grade 3 bands around the continent had better up their intensity if they are to compete with Edmonton and District!
Sunday, May 6, 2007 Ontario Police Memorial On another note, my good friend Dale Beckner from the Ontario Provincial Police sends me the following note: Ken: I thought I would send you this photo of the numerous bands that gathered in Toronto today for the Ontario Police Memorial. I took the photo while we rehearsed for the ceremony. It was a perfect day and the ceremony was a respectful tribute our fallen officers. Ontario Police Memorial, Toronto, May 6, 2007 (photo - courtesy of Dale Beckner)
Saturday, May 5, 2007 The Highlands and Islands Festival Just got a note in on the results on The Highlands and Island Festival held this weekend in Scotland and Willie McCallum has done it again.... the spring is proving great for Willie, forboding well for the majors coming up later in the summer. Piobaireachd (4th May) 1. Willie McCallum playing the Lament for McSwan of Roaig 2. Murray Henderson 3. James Murray 4. Stuart Shedden Judges: Iain MacFadyen, John Wilson, Neil Mulvie MSR (5th May) 1. Willie McCallum 2. Gordon Walker 3. Peter Hunt 4. Finlay Johnstone Judges: Iain MacFadyen, John Wilson HJ 1. Gordon Walker 2. James Murray 3. Willie McCallum 4. Ewan Dewar Judges: Iain MacFadyen, John Wilson Congratulations to Willie and keep up the great playing ! Willie with Angus McColl earlier this year
Monday, April 30, 2007 G3 Summit in Santiago, Chile Jim McGillivray writes: Just spent the last 5 days in Santiago working with 8 bands from right across the continent. Doug Stronach was also with me doing the drumming, and Ann Milne handled the dancing. Jim playing to an enthusistic awe-dience at the gala reception on Saturday, April 28, 2007 (photo courtesy of Jim McGillivray) A brilliant shot of the Eagle Boys School (Northern Chile) setting up through the Chilean rays! (photo courtesy of Doug Stronach) The Southern Cross Pipe Band and Dancers, Montevideo, Uruguay, performing at G3, April 2007 (photo courtesy of Alejandro Hernandez, SCPB)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 The Reunion on YouTube Thanks again to Steve Thomson (aka PipeFuzz), you can view the Clan reunion on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GY-2MxMn2c Hope you enjoy it!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Photos and appraisals are floating in from Saturday nite. From Ryan Barr - "FANTASTIC show on Saturday! That was truly amazing and I loved every single piece you played. Thank-You for that! " From his brother, Chris (Pipe Band Forum) - "What a great night. I was really impressed with the band. It was fun to hear the old style drumming. Wow, did they pack some stuff in there. I was expecting 4/4's, 6/8's and they did, with a bunch of other cool stuff. They played their big set and that was great." From Steve Thomson - "what a brilliant night, here are a few photies to enjoy. A great time, these guys have still got it for sure, no slouches in that circle! I have video and photos and will share as soon as I can get some time to DL. For those that missed it - a night of pipe band history, never to be repeated. "( Bob Dunsire Forums) The Clan, just after the show !
(Photos compliments of Steve Thomson) From Mike Cole - " What a great event! Seeing the band together again was a bit of magic, to say the least. The 'boys' were really having fun, and the crowd loved it. Andy Miller still has the touch and the moves. Watching him play again was a visual lesson of tenor drumming hstory! Amazing! Well done guys! "
Monday, April 23, 2007 Before the Evening in the bright sun of Windsor The Clan reunion is over and what a roaring success it was. The Windsor - Detroit branch of the PPBSO treated us like royalty. The trip down and back on the charter bus was as eventful as it gets. In many respects the weekend transported us all back to future. The next reunion is in progress....could be Windsor again with hopefully St. Thomas Police joining us or it might be Nashville for a visit to the home of country music. In any event, the 20 playing members and guests of 16 that made the trip are prime for another go at the event. If all goes well, you may see bits of the evening performance on Youtube.... be compassionate in your assessment!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007 The Donald MacLeod Memorial Contest, Stornoway, Lewis Amazing how communications work today...text message from Willie McCallum to Alasdair Gillies - cell phone from Alasdair to the Captain - the Captain internet to you ! Well after all that, here are the results of one of the most important non-majors of the year! As Alasdair puts it "Congratulations boys. Keep the great man's music alive"......
Angus and Willie Uist and Barra Overall - Alasdair Gillies Piobaireachd: MSR Hornpipe and Jig Overall : Willie McCallum
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Cruise the Caribbean in December! Join the Captain and Tom Foote Yes, its true ! Tom Foote (Metro Toronto Police and Tom Foote School of Drumming) and the Captain will be the instructors on board the piping and drumming cruise leaving Miami on December 13, 2007. 4 Day Western Caribbean Cruise from Miami, FL The cruise will stop at Key West and Calica, Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. Workshops are planned for the full day at sea after leaving Mexico. An evening recital and reception will welcome all guests on the first day. Private lessons or workshops may be booked by guests during the cruise. So Cruise and Pipe.... any amount of each.....For information, visit the Highlands and Islands Travel website. Special rates are applicable prior to April 19, 2007 and secured with a refundable $25 deposit.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 John Wilson on Jim McGillivray ! or Jim McGillivray on John Wilson ? The great John Wilson was a teacher and mentor to a complete generation of Ontario pipers from the mid 1950's through to his passing in 1979. As a double Gold Medallist and former POW, he emigrated to Canada and immediately had a long lasting impact on the piping scene. His pupils today rank among the top competitors and teachers of this generation. Thus it is truly remarkable that Jim McGillivray and David Waterhouse were able to arrange a visit with Mrs. Margaret Wilson, John's wife, to discuss John's music for publication and distribution through Jim's new site, www.pipetunes.ca . Little did Jim know what was about to happen !
John Wilson, Oban 1934 and his MacDougall pipes Please go to Jim McGillivray for the complete story.
Sunday, April 8, 2007 The Clan MacFarlane Reunion Well the winter - long reunion of the Clan is in full progress. With its only public performance only two weeks away (Windsor - Detroit 2 Band Nite), another great rehearsal was held yesterday in St. Catharines. The band hasn't aged any, but the players sure have!!!!!! It has been 11 years since the last reunion and a full 15 years since the Clan broke up, but the enthusiasm and love of the music still exists in every way. As Gary Moore put it yesterday " isn't it amazing how we all play the same style - no need for practice chanters to work out the differences! No wonder we all have problems fitting into other bands." .... and yes, the Clan had its distinctive sound and style. Although the pitch and drone buzz might be reminiscent of the 70's and 80's, the hands are all a little slower as we take a gentler and more mature approach to our music.... now if you believe that.... !
The Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band 1957 - 2007 Three of the four remaining founding members Jackie Fair (bass), Tommy Hills (tenor) and Mike MacNeil (pipes) The Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band - after win in Chicago, 1984
The resting place for this blog from its inception to the present. A place where pipers can meet for a tune, a read and a pint - the latest in concert and contest recordings, book reviews and announcements. An area designed for both education and enjoyment. Hear current band/solo contests and adjudicate them as one of the judges.
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