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Designed by Willie McCallum and Stuart McCallum
Special Presentations Go to the bottom of the Blog! December Cruise, Highlanders Institute, Archives New, from John Cairns - an excellent CD - Produced by Doug Stronach All Through the Ages - John Cairns
Monday, August 6, 2007 The West is Golden! Congratulations are in order to the Edmonton and District Pipe Band under P/M Dave Trew and L/D Craig Weston....North American Champions, Grade Three and also winners of the drumming prize at Maxville on the weekend.... plus repeat winners the next day at Montreal...perfection cannot be topped.... I wish they were over here with me in Scotland. I judged the Grade 3 at the North Berwick Games on Saturday ( check out the summaries at www.rspba.org ) and they could have placed well here and even perhaps at the World's Championships this weekend....great show guys! Edmonton and District Pipe Band in concert Wednesday, August 1, 2007 Off to Glasgow, Piping Live and the World's Tomorrow evening and I will be over the Atlantic and on to Scotland....the most exciting 10 days of the year for most pipes and drummers. On Saturday, I will judge at the games in North Berwick and then attend the Bridge of Allan games on Sunday...ah, relaxation! With all the Piping Live events for the week and the adjudiactors' meeting with the RSPBA, the next few days will be full. At the World's I have a great seat for the Grade 1 arena - C33 - in Section B, so stop by and say hello! The following week will be great as I fly to Dublin and then on to Portrush to judge with my old friends Nat Russell and Terry Lee. After a few days in Donegal (meeting up with Donald McBride, former Muirheads piper and Silver Medallist), I travel back to Scotland to judge at the final major, Cowal in Dunoon. Whew...won't see you again until the Calgary Games on Labour Day... will bring you news from Scotland, though, as I use the internet cafe just off of Buchanan Street..... so keep the email flowing.....all the best...The Captain
Tuesday, July 31, 2007 And You Thought Only Grade 1 Bands Were Large ! The Triumph Street Pipe Band, Vancouver, BC The Triumph Street Pipe Band competing last weekend in Seattle (photo courtesy of Ellen Bruce) This just might be our consensus winner for the North American Grade 2 Championship later this week in Maxville, Ontario. The age of the large band is upon us...new dynamics in the pipe band world. Pipe Major David Hilder and Lead Drummer Andre Tessier have amassed an ensemble that will press the best of the East to the absolute limit. Don't be surprised to see the Grade 2 and Grade 3 Championships go West this year.... and don't discount the Winnipeg St. Andrew's Society. PM Wes Sheppard and LD Rollie Reid lead the band that came third last year, their first in the Grade 2. Any predictions? Email the Captain
Monday, July 30, 2007 Hot in New Brunswick! ... and the temperature was right up there as well! Saturday turned out to be the hottest day in Canada right where we were judging. Needless to say, the temps were hard on the spectator, player and judge...but the beer tent was as cool as ever! ... Good music and animated conversation over your favorite. The organizers of this Highland Games must once again be commended for perhaps one of the best run organizations around. The tireless efforts of David Galbraith and Dave Coleman leave nothing to chance. An added treat this year came in the form of the RCMP MUSICAL RIDE which was in town for two shows on Sunday. They paraded into the games area - brought the contests to a standstill while they posed for a photo shoot in front of the New Brunswick Legislature thus recreating an image on the Canadian $50 bill of years past.
David Galbraith, P&D convener Andy Rogers & Michael Grey - and the horses The RCMP Mounted Musical Ride in front of the New Brunswick Legislature
Thursday, July 26, 2007 The Western Invasion at Maxville ! Perhaps this year will truly become a North American Pipe Band Championship in name. In addition to the healthy contingent of USA based bands, we will see an all out charge from the best from Western Canada, and this promises to be exciting. Except in Grade 1, where SFU and Alberta Caledonia are not attending, the Grade 2 and Grade 3 contests could very well be championed by western bands. The Grade 2 will be hotly contested by the newly revamped Triumph Street Pipe Band, and from what I have heard, they are in top form. They just might leave a wake of 9 others scrambling for the podium! If you are a betting person, though, your loonies would be well wagered on the Grade 3 contest going west as well. The Edmonton and District Pipe Band is the best Grade 3 band that I have judged or listened to in years. They play at Grade 1 tempos with a Sinclair chanter sound that many a band in higher grades can only imagine. If that is not enough, they will be pushed by the New York based Mohawk Valley Frasers and the Penatangore Grade 3, one of Ontario's best! So, get a seat in the Grade 3 arena on the infield at Maxville and enjoy the contest. You won't be disappointed. The Edmonton and District in concert complete with fusion band !
Pipe Major Dave Trew (ex Guelph PB) conducting on stage and in the beer tent - a band for all seasons!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 Fort Edmonton Highland Games Saturday last saw us in Edmonton for the annual Fort Edmonton Games. The committee under the direction of Alex McIntyre have chosen the inside of the restored fort for the most pleasant and compact of surroundings. At the same time it gave us an opportunity to meet old friends - Neil Dickie, Dan Diesner, Doug Stronach and myself were 4 of the judges for the day. It was especially good to see Neil. It doesn't happen that often. We immediately started to tell stories of the famed Mount Allison schools circa 1978/79 shortly after Neil emigrated from Glasgow...and of course we discussed his music book, of which I had a hand in the initial work. The Captain, Dan, Alex, Doug and Neil Too lazy to walk? Neil Dickie and Doug Stronach hop the stage!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Go West Young Man! Seems like eons since I was in Ontario.... and that is a true story...just in from The Lake Diefenbaker school hosted by Rob Kinnaird of drone reed and Piper's Pal fame. And what a week it was....but this one was different. Every evening commenced with a lake cruise on a house boat, complete with the pipes being played constantly on the upper deck and the trolling lines out the back fishing for walleye and pike....with the evening gently winding down over a campfire complete with smallpipes, guitar, bodhran and a good singing.... The Lake Diefenbaker class on the practice field A Lake Diefenbaker sunset taken from the upper deck of the house boat!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 Tigh-Na-Mara Spa & Resort The weeklong school here at Parkesville, BC on the Island is fabulous! Sunny, 27 0C weather today...pipes singing - high pitch - steady drones...just have a look...don't you wish you were here.... and to think we are only a short drive south of Campbell River, the Comox Valley and the Eden of Canadian salmon fishing.... I have half a mind to extend my stay.... if it weren't for the lure of Lake Diefenbaker, its piping school and good rainbow fishing in the evening there, I just might go AWOL! Our wooded teaching area - Yurts for inside classes - picnic tables outside Alan Walters - my teaching partner - great player - great personality - keeps things lively! Pipe Major Gordon C. Webb, Pacific Gael Pipe Band
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 Triumph Street Pipe Band - Then, not Now! Just got a great pic from Rob Menzies, former PM of the original Triumph Street Pipe Band after the great Hal Senyk...and here it is...the band in Scotland in 1976! How many can you name? PM Hal Senyk (bearded with beer) and Rob Menzies on right.
Monday, July 9, 2007 Midsummer Pipe Dreaming on Vancouver Island This week, we are on Vancouver Island at the Tigh Na Mara Spa and Resort for Celtfest, 2007. This annual event organized by Rene and Carolyn Cusson is located on the shores of the sea, nestled in the lovely pine forests that only the Island can provide.... will post some pics leter this week...news from home is always welcomed...especially of the good variety and tonite I recieved an email from my promising young student, James Carnegie...he won his first medal this past Saturday at the Kincardine Highland Games...second in the Grade 4 march - only his second contest. Congratulations, James.... and to think that this young man is going to compete in Scotland later in August in his very first year of competition.... James Carnegie - The Kincardine Highland Games - 2007
July 4, 2007 The Fishin Gets Good After You Leave! My good friend Bruce McQueen, whom we visited for king salmon fishin and piping in May just wrote me today...and sent me some photos! Here is why we rise at 5 am every morning. Dan MacCrummen and the Captain setting the downriggers for King Salmon in Wrangell, Alaska Sockeye salmon brought in by our host Bruce McQueen. July, 2007 Captain, Attached are a couple pictures of you and Dan on the boat. You want to know the biggest bad deal? The number one and three fish in the salmon derby were caught in Last picture is a reasonable reason to get up at 5am…I didn’t have a good king season but sockeye have cooperated…of course
July 2, 2007 Kingston School of Music and Dance We are in Kingston, Ontario this week for the annual Kingston School at Queen's University. Now in its 13th year under the sponsorship of the Rob Roy Pipe Band and Dancers, Scott Bell has done his usual good marketing to attract some 30 pipers and 25 drummers. Poor Tyler Fry has 15 tenor drummers alone....and wouldn't your know it, the moment they all started to play down by the waterfront today, it began to rain....and there were no clouds in the sky...go figure! On another note.... a special mention of thanks to the family of Noel Slagle, for 25 years my partner in the Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band.... it was Noel who constantly kept all of us in line with his mentoring and stern discipline. He was one of the stalwart members responsible for the success of this band. Noel passed away 3 years ago this week (July 6, 2004) and he is sorely missed. But Patty Rogers, his daughter and Marty, Noel's wife have assured that his memory lives by entrusting me with Noel's pipes to maintain and play .... and what a set of silver and ivory Henderson's they are! Hallmarked in 1953 and stamped with the famous PH, I have just reeded them after Rick Pettigrew of Dunbar Bagpipes refinished them...awesome appearance and an awesome sound! I will guard them with my life!
June 30, 2007 Lightening Strikes Twice ! Regular readers of the blog will recall the infamous story of Willie McCallum, Angus MacColl and Fred Morrison back in January.... to cut a long story short, the trio were overnited on their return from KC to Glasgow in a certin hotel in Newark near the airport. Their Continental flight had been missed. During the nite, Willie is awoke by security - it appears that a lady is naked on the bed in the room across the hall - she has had an apparent heart attack and Willie is called to assist. You never know when mouth to mouth will become necessary....end of Act 1....the drama continues the next morning when police are in the hotel investigating a homicide on another floor... blood, gore, etc.... end of Act 2 .... turns out that one of the police officers is a piper. The trio are recognized, and nothing doing, but the camera being used by the forensic team has to be conscripted to take a group photo - of you know who - ! ... end of Act 3 ..... the Police officer offers to take the trio in his cruiser, lights and siren blazin, for a trip to visit the Empire State Building and Ground Zero....end of Act 4 .... the touristing trio finally get home the following day, none the worst for wear and tales to tell all ... end of Act 5.....but are you ready for this letter from Jeff Kruske, a director of MHAF who had us all out to Kansas City that fateful weekend? Here is Act 6! Original Message ----- From: Jeff Kruske
To: 'William McCallum' ; 'Angus MacColl' ; 'Ken Eller'
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 10:07 AM
Subject: news from KC
You guys aren't going to believe this one….so we flew Fred M in this weekend for a fundraiser and concert that we are having for winterstorm. Usual Continental flight from Glasgow-Newark-KC. Flight from The airline offers him the next flight for this morning (which he did make) and put him up in a hotel last night. Anyone want to guess which hotel it was???? Hahahaha…he called me last night and said he knew that things had gone from bad to worse when he came around the bend and there the same hotel was! Fred has had some back luck traveling to and from KC; I asked him if he had taken CPR classes since his last visit. We had a good laugh about all of it. Thanks Jeff for sharing...I trust the play has seen its concluding act....oops, better wait for Fred's flight home before we close the chapter on this one!
June 27, 2007 The Summer Schools Have Begun This week we are in Aurora, Ontario for the first week of the Ontario School of Piping. As often in the past, it is extremely hot.... and the temperature is as well. Piping every evening...classes all day. Angus MacColl, Bruce Gandy and Jim McGillivray are in fine form. I was reminded by my close friend Ronnie Rollo tonite that I have been a scarce commodity of late in the blog. I was flattered that I had a few readers.... but in defence of the defenceless Captain - I was away fishing and everyone knows that time spent fishing (and piping) is credited to your life span...so logic tells me that you won't miss a beat in the end by my absence! Ronnie Rollo, President of the PPBSO, Angus MacColl, Bruce Gandy Now to the good stuff - Angus tonite played the Battle of the Pass of Crieff to a packed hall...pipe immaculate...the tune as beautiful as it gets. want to hear more?
Suturday, June 23, 2007 Lots of Things Happening! Congratulations to the Field Marshall Montgomery Pipe Band from NI on their win this afternoon in the British Championships.... well done Alex Gandy ! Your first big win with Montgomery.... A special mention is due the North Lanarkshire Schools which placed 2nd in the Novice Competition. This fine young group of students being instructed by members of the Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band are the epitome of the strength in teaching the young. One of my students, Graham Donaldson from Buffalo, NY will soon be travelling for a vacation to Lanarkshire and with lots of practice, will have an opportunity to gain experience in this band. Good luck Graham! On another note, the Ontario School of Piping and Drumming starts tomorrow and I am reminded that Angus MacColl will once again be with us. Now have a look at the following...life at the top is not always serious as the following Western themes might suggest!
Angus MacColl and Fred Morrison riding the range at Winter Storm 2007 The Captain, Angus MacColl, Tom McKee, Fred Morrison and Willie McCallum Thanks to Dr. Tom McKee for these photos. Tom goes way back in piping - many years attending the Ontario School, a long time member of the Kansas City St. Andrew Pipe Band, the father of piper Ian McKee and a top flight fly fisherman to boot....can't be all bad in my books!
Sunday, June 17, 2007 Milwaukee School a Roaring Success Just in from another super piping and drumming school in Milwaukee. This year, the teaching faculty was first class and it showed in the progress the attendees made. Enthusiasm ran high. The climax of the week was the Thursday night concert where the instructors all played to a high standard and entertained the audience in excess of 400. This concert is annually held in the converted church owned by the Irish Cultural Centre of Milwaukee.... Ron Bowen, Andrew Beck, Bruce Gandy, John Fisher, Lyric Todkill, Doug MacRae, Kevin Arnold, Tyler Fry, Captain The Concert - 70 pipers, 25 drummers ! Plus Organ..... Tyler Fry, Doug MacRae, Lyric Todkill, Bruce Gandy and John Fisher
Friday, June 8, 2007 Home from Alaska! ...and what a trip it was! A few pics and snippets over the next few days will introduce you to perhaps one of the most beautiful places on earth....remote....unsullied by the pollution about us everywhere...a place for the outdoors person...great fishing and scenery....But first, many thanks to my good friends Bruce (Wrangler) McQueen and his wife Nancy for hosting the first week in Wrangell, where we fished for Salmon, Cod, Halibut, crab, shrimps and even caught an octupus in one of the traps!
Nancy and Bruce McQueen A halibut I took while fishing for King Salmon! To set the picture, Bruce and Nancy live on a 3 acre plot of land secured many years ago through the Alaska State Land Lottery system. They homesteaded it over the years and now have a palatial resort-like home complete with a guest cottage and workshops. They live some 22 miles by water from the nearest town, Wrangell, AK. Above, they are cooking our supper, fresh dungie crab caught just minutes prior in the ocean afronting their house......need I tell you about the taste when sauteed in garlic butter? For the piper, here is a tune called Wrangler McQueen, that I composed back in 2005.
Special Presentation Cruise the Caribbean in December! Join the Captain and Tom Foote Yes, its true ! Tom Foote (Metro Toronto Police and Tom Foote School of Drumming) and the Captain will be the instructors on board the piping and drumming cruise leaving Miami on December 13, 2007. 4 Day Western Caribbean Cruise from Miami, FL The cruise will stop at Key West and Calica, Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. Workshops are planned for the full day at sea after leaving Mexico. An evening recital and reception will welcome all guests on the first day. Private lessons or workshops may be booked by guests during the cruise. So Cruise and Pipe.... any amount of each.....For information, visit the Highlands and Islands Travel website. Special rates are applicable prior to April 19, 2007 and secured with a refundable $25 deposit.
The 2007 Ontario School of Piping and Drumming Listen to Angus MacColl, Jim McGillivray, Bruce Gandy, Ian K. MacDonald and Rob Crabtree plus a special performance from Wednesday, June 26, 2007
Angus MacColl playing the Battle of the Pass of Crieff Promising Piper, Colleen Cowan from Timmins, Ontario
The resting place for this blog from its inception to the present. All true stories! A place where pipers can meet for a tune, a read and a pint - the latest in concert and contest recordings, book reviews and announcements. An area designed for both education and enjoyment. Hear current band/solo contests and adjudicate them as one of the judges.
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