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The Blog Log
Willie McCallum is undoubtedly the most consistent professional prize winner of this era. In addition to his record number of Glenfiddich championships, he is the holder of both Highland Society of London Gold Medals and the winner of every major prize available. Within the past year he has taken his musical skills into a new venture - partnering with Stuart McCallum in the design and manufacture of the McCallum MC2 pipe chanter. This coming summer will be the first full season for competitors using the new design and I am sure that Willie will lead the way once again! The Corner thanks Willie for allowing us to post him playing .
Designed by Willie McCallum and Stuart McCallum ![]() Stay informed - Meet others - The Pipe Band Forum
April 16, 2008 Professor Ian Whitelaw
A full time professional piper since 2000, Ian has become one of the premier piobaireachd players in North America. He has launched a successful summer school program with Murray Henderson and now word comes to the Corner that he has been instrumental in starting a degree program in music with bagpipes or drums being offered as the major. Under the umbrella of the School of Music at UC Riverside in California, Ian is the newly appointed Pipe Director. In this capacity, Ian offers courses in music theory, performance and touching on areas such as history and composition. There are currently 4 students enrolled in the program and with good promotion, those numbers should swell. All the best Ian in your new academic venture. For more information, visit the press release from the University of California at Riverside.
April 9, 2008 A New-Old Pipe Chanter Reed
They just arrived in the mail this weekend and I put them into my two chanters yesterday. What a difference a vibrant, full bodied reed can make - perfectly balanced from Low A to High A harmonizing superbly with my drones... so as the spring approaches, I feel like playing more and more. That Troy reed that I was breaking in last month, is in full bloom, so with the addition of two from Colin, I am in great shape for this coming summer. Nothing like a good reed setup to motivate your playing.... too many pipers suffer through reeds that are over the hill all because they are easy and the player doesn't have to put much effort forth. But the break in period is worth the extra effort... maybe I might even consider going back on the boards...oops, must be day dreaming there! March 29, 2008 I Applaud Gary Moore ! Just at a time of the year when bands and soloists are preparing for the summer competitions,
So hats off to Gary Moore, President of the Toronto Branch, PPBSO
BUT, thumbs down once again to all those competitors - bands and soloists in this province who want such events but don't support them when they are offered. I am truly sorry the Toronto Indoors has been cancelled.
Would love to have said "I TOLD YOU SO !", but I have never had that conversation with Gary or others. However I will remind you of a post to this blog back in October, 2007 after a dismal turnout for the bi-annual Stratford Sessions. While I am on the subject, what about the Scottish Lion 78th Fraser Highlanders' annual workshop being cancelled due to lack of interest!. Come on, Ontario pipe bands ! What is the matter with you? An attitude seems to prevail here that we don't need instruction. As I wrote my good friend Henry Spangler in Topeka just yesterday
"Hi Henry..... long live Winter Storm. you
should really appreciate the enthusiasm and turnouts that you get.....
apathy in the frozen north is deeper than the snow....and lasts longer into
the spring.... just can't figure it out...but I see it even with my
teaching.... I spend most of weekends out of this area where the desire for
instruction seems greatest!!!!!"
Once again, have a read of my blog article of October 21, 2007. March 27, 2008
(1921 -2008) Big Ronnie passed away yesterday and for all that have ever been in his charming company, it was indeed a sad day. Some people are larger than life, not only in stature but in personality, wit and charisma . Such was this great man from Oban. He rarely forgot a face or a name. The reference of friend for life is rarely applicable, but for Ronnie it was the norm. He genuinely cared about people. I met Ronnie for the first time in the late 60's and 70's, as Pipe Major of the Glasgow Police Pipe Band and that formed a bond that has lasted ever since. Pictured above is Ronnie and Angus J. MacLellan in their judging tent at the Cowal Games in Dunoon just last August. As always, he called me over for his proverbial chat and a story - a scene repeated thousands of times with pipers everywhere over his long and fruitful life. His presence will be missed by all who knew him. We have been all enriched for being his friend.
Greogair (Gregor Lawrie) is a cousin of Ronnie. I am sure his Gaelic lyrics to the tune Farewell to Nigg would be a fitting tribute to the big man. March 24, 2008 The Rights of Membership Membership in an organization has its responsibilities as well as its benefits. The RSPBA is no exception. It is with this thought in mind that I read the only PD comment on the current Bass Section ruling by the RSPBA that made any sense to me at all. When the PipesDrums broke the story from Scott Currie and Tyler Fry, the editor was posting verbatim. The RSPBA did indeed pass a motion to eliminate the award. Now this makes the RSPBA the fall guy, right? Bad, Bad, Bad...right?....wrong. A very well written comment to the PD article just today puts a lot into my small mind's perspective. The concept was put forth by the National Council and passed by the Music Board who were obliged to seek the membership's ratification. But only 40 bands bothered to attend the AGM. These attendees forming the necessary quorum, decided in favour of the motion. Now for the question ! Were any of the complainants in attendance? Were their respective bands there to lobby against the motion?...I think not, because according to Chairman Kevin Reilly's press release on the RSPBA website, the motions passed unanimously. Now I ask you...membership has its responsibilities. No votey...no complainy...right? Not so fast ! You tell me. Certainly a lot of clean and dirty linen has been put on the clothes line in recent days. The respondents have been a cross section of pipe bandsmen and adjudicators who are genuinely concerned about the recognition of the midsections. The discussions have certainly allowed a lot of opinion to froth to the top on the musical contribution of midsections . I am not so sure this has been totally beneficial as some divide is apparent. One thing for sure, the PipesDrums reads this week have been most entertaining from this reader's point of view. Comment on! ...let's explore this even further.
March 22, 2008 The Evolution of the Mid-Section It is hard to overlook the thread currently on PipesDrums. This week I received an impassioned letter from Scott Currie and Tyler Fry on the recent RSPBA decision to scrap the Best Bass Award at their majors this coming year. Without taking sides in the argument, it is very noticeable that the only identifiable contributors to the thread are pipers and two bass players. Where are all these lead drummers who are the musical directors of their respective percussion sections. Surely they must have opinions or is there a hierarchy within pipe bands that I am not aware of that only allows the pipe major and bass to speak on behalf of band ensemble. You will notice the thread is dominated by Jim McGillivray, Bill Livingstone , Hoss and Mike Cole... Where are the big names in side drumming?
From the meagre beginnings - Tyler Fry, Yvan Gagne and Reagan Jones
The Mid-Section of the 78th Fraser Highlanders at the World's in 2002 The midsection evolved over a period of several years, perhaps starting with Wilson Brown at the corps of the Red Hackle Pipe Band in the 1970's. The dynamics that Tyler brought to the game were refinements of his own snare drumming background and the influence of Andy Miller of the City of Toronto and Clan MacFarlane Pipe Bands. Needless to say, the mid-section is not really the new kid on the block, but it has taken pipe band performance to heights not envisioned many years ago. Where will this thread lead, no one knows. One thing for sure - the RSPBA and certain members of the pipe band community are on a collision course. Momentum is building and I doubt if it will subside. Follow PipesDrums for constant updates.
Andy Miller (black/white MacFarlane kilt) with the 78th Fraser Midsection - Yvan talking with the LD, Mike Hunter Reagan beside Andy - Tyler and Hoss Monday, March 17, 2008 Happy St. Patrick's Day to the Irish ! What Goes on @ a Workshop ? I got a letter this evening from Karen Irvine, of Rochester, NY. I was with her band this past weekend - the Faedan Or Pipe Band. It is interesting to note that this band is attempting to rise in the Grade 5 ranks. So why should it ever have a special place in my mind....well, small impressions last a long time - a few years ago, when Mike Peters and the Schenectady Pipe band were organizing the inaugural Beers and Cheers contest at the Altamont games, I had the good fortune of judging this band walking in playing Dixie and offering a New Orleans styled program, very much like the Preservation Jazz band, but only on pipes and drums, sax and all, ...I was smitten... After years at the Grade 1 level, a Grade 4 band totally mesmerized me...they were great...so it is with this memory that I went to Rochester last weekend.... and a good session it was...some pics below give you a flavour of the session. I also include Karen's letter
Dear Captain Ken,
A table session early in the morning
Afternoon pipe session
The usual intensity... Tuesday, March 11, 2008 John Watson, Snr The pipe band community lost a good friend this past week with the passing of John Watson on March 7, 2008. Pictured here in a 1974 Clan MacFarlane pic in front of the old Shotts band hall (back row, white jacket right side of Gary Moore wearing white hat),
John came to the Clan MacFarlane in 1973, along with his son Jake and 5 other members of the City of Toronto Pipe Band. Even though he never played in our drum section, Billy, as he was affectionately known (a reference to his Protestant roots) was constantly the centre of our very active social scene. My brother Rod said it well in an email received yesterday "Jake's Dad was a great guy, quick with a smile and a joke. He loved the Institute (our drinking hole, first in my basement bar and then on Henrietta Street where Bob MacCrimmon lived in Ronnie Rollo's rental - complicated), and he always brought that great old cheddar cheese that Dad loved. He was also great to our folks, especially kidding Mom.".... This was John Watson at his best...he treated all fairly and equally...no preferences. If he didn't get off on something, he said it.... a man of strong words backed up by a humorous sense of knowing himself and where he came from ...We all will miss the old man...rest well, Billy. Saturday, March 8, 2008 The Non-Piping & Drumming Scene Well the storms of the year struck yesterday...yes storms, plural.... we got hit on Friday nite just as many of us were packing to make our way to Rochester, NY for the Genesee Valley Indoor Meet... needless to say, I monitored the weather channel and the mounting snow in my country lane and advised the organizers about 10 pm that I couldn't take a chance on the drive. I regret decisions like this, but there was no alternative...cars in the ditch...slow moving traffic... a risk for sure.... well that is my story for the first storm and I am sticking to it...and then today at noon, there was a lull, but only temporary, as another front arrived from the southwest heading to the northeast and WOW! what a wallop... so the Agnew-Harrison Drumming Contest in Hamilton has been cancelled, not before two competitors from the west had already made their way to Ontario!...what a mess...so, for me, this has been a non-piping and drumming weekend...and on top of that, we lose an hour's sleep tonite with the start of daylight saving...with this weather, I'd rather it be dark for 24 hours, like Barrow, Alaska !
The view outside my house at 4 pm today Monday, February 25, 2008 Finally ! The last two weeks have not been kind to the Captain... website speaking...but on the other hand, piping wise they have been superb! I apologize for the lack of communication here but those who have run a website and undergone a complete software and platform upgrade can well appreciate the trials that accompany the changes. My emotions have run the full race, from losing my complete website to an accidental deletion of all the files to the omission of all subscriber passwords when transferring over to the new hosting platform... but complaints and apologies you don't need...what has happened on the piping front has allowed me to escape the pressures of delivering lessons to the subscribers... I recently traveled to Winnipeg to judge the Winnipeg Scottish Festival. Here I was joined by many old friends including Peter Snaddon from Kirkaldy in Fife. I hung out with Peter back in the 70's occasionally with an long time Clan MacFarlane member, Alex Marshall. Joining the two of us was a "host from the coast".... David and Shauna Hilder from Triumph Street and Reid Maxwell (Coffee) and Rob MacNeil from SFU...what a super cast of piping people...and to top it all off, I witnessed the first "left handed" adjudication panel.... any comments?
David Hilder, Reid Maxwell, Shauna Hilder and Peter Snaddon in front
The Winnipeg Scottish Festival Panel of Judges Saturday, February 9, 2008 Troy Chanter Reeds and Jeter the Dalmatian No connection, you say? well there is..... all this drizzly, damp afternoon I have been blowing in my first Troy chanter reed in 2 years ... yes, two years. Jamie has mastered the old McAllister art so well that now I am back to those glory times of sweat and tears to get a reed in pitch and playable condition. In the process, this aged body needs rest and at 3:30 pm today, Carrie (the red haired piper) MacDonald from Sudbury emails me with "Raising a new puppy lately....it's been 12 years since the last puppy.....I need a nap!!!!!!!" . This was the break that this sweat drenched piper needed and now I must share:
Jeter ( as in Derek of New York Yankees fame)... all the better to see you with, my dear! Monday, February 4, 2008 The Best Ever ! Mardi Gras 2008 Simply the best... no other superlatives necessary ... in the words of Pipe Major James Parker of the Red River Pipes and Drums, awesome ! This weekend cannot be topped for sheer pleasure, entertainment, piping, food, wine, sights and sounds...in any order you wish to place them. Our instructors this year included once again Angus MacColl with Bob Worrall, Michael Grey and the Captain... we were feted to the best hospitality... the workshop classes were well attended and all the participants came highly charged for another great stomp through the Mardi Gras weekend in Shreveport, Louisiana. Thanks to all for their contribution to the sessions, the instructor's recital and the parade.... as always, the float, with the piping and tossing of beads was certainly a highlight...
Mike Grey (vocals) and Bob Worrall (pipes) entertaining on the float
Some of the crowd crazies on the parade route
Bob Worrall with Dr. Ray Coghlan (also a piper) and the Duke of Arkansas
The Captain and Bob meet an old friend on Friday nite after the instructor's recital
Michael - on a tea break on the float
A group shot taken after the Saturday sessions The Metro Cup 2008
Willie McCallum and Jack Lee Overall Winner, Willie McCallum Winner, Piobaireachd : Jack Lee, playing The Phantom Piper of Corrieyairack Second, Piobaireachd : Willie McCallum, playing The Earl of Ross's March Winner, Medley : Willie McCallum Second, Medley : Alastair Dunn Third, Medley : Jack Lee Thanks to Derek Midgely for all the recordings. Bagpipe Played by Alastair Dunn made by Bruce Gandy at the Metro Cup - 2008
Listen to the performance of Bruce as he plays his medley at this year's Metro Cup. Bruce placed fourth with this performance behind Willie McCallum, Alistair Dunn and Jack Lee. Having heard the other performances, you will certainly agree that it had to be a close contest and a challenge for the adjudicators. It's far easier to just sit back and listen.
Winter Storm 2008 Jori Chisholm Bruce Gandy Matt Pantaleoni Gold Medal Piobaireachd Gold Medal - Ceol Beag Silver Medal Piobaireachd Other Winners Gold Medal Second - Andrew Hayes playing The Park Piobaireachd No. 2 Third - Ken Sutherland playing The Stewart's White Banner Silver Medal Second - Alex Gandy playing I am Proud to Play a Pipe Third - Brian Mackenzie playing Corrienessan's Salute Selected Performances Silver Medal Fourth - Jim Bell playing The Lament for the Castle of Dunyveg Fifth - Doug MacRae playing The Lament for the Castle of Dunyveg David McNally playing The Rout of the MacPhees Ceol Beag Second - Peter MacGregor Third - Andrew Hayes
November 17, 2007 The 12th Annual George Sherriff Memorial Ben McClamrock Faye Henderson Alastair Lee 6/8 Marches &Overall Winner Piobaireachd MSR
The 2007 Ontario School of Piping and Drumming
Listen to Angus MacColl, Jim McGillivray, Bruce Gandy, Ian K. MacDonald and Rob Crabtree plus a special performance from Wednesday, June 26, 2007 Angus MacColl playing the Battle of the Pass of Crieff
The resting place for this blog from its inception to the present. All true stories! A place where pipers can meet for a tune, a read and a pint - the latest in concert and contest recordings, book reviews and announcements. An area designed for both education and enjoyment. Hear current band/solo contests and adjudicate them as one of the judges.
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