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Blog-Log June, July 2006
Monday, July 31, 2006 Ah...back from New Brunswick to the bath house of Ontario ... no fit condition here for the North American Pipe Band Championships coming up this weekend at Maxville. But then again, the temperature and humidity are suppose to break .... some fine playing at the New Brunswick Highland Gathering...especially good was the Professional Strathspey and Reel that I judged. Watch for Alex Gandy in future prize lists. He pushed his Dad, Bruce to the limit this weekend. It is just a matter of time before the prize list reads 1. A. Gandy .... 2. B. Gandy ..... I am starting a new feature here at the Corner. YOU BE THE JUDGE will feature pipe band performances from around the games. You will have the opportunity to download them and file your score sheet with the Captain for posting and discussion. Hope you enjoy it.
Dave Coleman, Games organizer Scott MacAulay, adjudicator and director of the College and Mr. Drumming in NB of Piping in Summerside, PEI
Alex Gandy and Emily Kate MacLellan Andy Rogers, 78th Highlanders, Halifax Friday, July 28, 2006 Just flew into Fredericton, New Brunswick for the New Brunswick Highland Gathering. Over this two day event, the best from Atlantic Canada will compete in piping, drumming and bands. My fellow judges - Greg Dinsdale and the Neighs, Ed and Geoff, and I enjoyed a great buffet on the outdoor patio this evening. Scott MacAulay will join us later for the weekend events. Once again, many thanks to Dave Coleman and his committee for having us here. We all look forward to the BBQ tomorrow evening at Dave's place. The 78th Highlanders, the Citadel, marching off the field - PM Roddy MacLean, PS Bruce Gandy Monday, July 24, 2006 9 days have passed again...my apologies...but when you see where I have been, you will understand.... my good friends with the Red River Pipe Band of Shreveport, Louisiana had me down for their annual summer workshops....now, I ask you - what would ever take you to 105o F and 98% relative humidity in the middle of July?...James Parker, Ray Coghlan, Shon Sanson, Tara Partington, Gail Masters and Ron Fielder, of course.
Dr. Shon Sanson of the Red River Pipes and Drums Gail Masters and Tara Partington on the lake and our host at his summer home, Dr. Ray Coghlan (Canadian patriot) This week in Chatham, LA every year is spiced up with evening get togethers, Southern food at its best, and this year, my first ever DCI (Drum Corps International) competition. Six corps, from areas like Boston, Orlando, Illinois, Ohio and Louisiana met on their way to a major competition in San Antonio this weekend past...what an unforgetable display of music, precision and pageantry ... I will go again! ... thanks as always to the members of the Red River Pipes and Drums...see you in February for Mardi Gras ! ... the count down is on ...
The Phantom Regiment of Rockford, Illinois - winner Munroe, LA - DCI Games Saturday, July 15, 2006 Where does the time go? I have been out on Vancouver Island for the last week or so at Celtfest 2006. This fabulous school, sessions and concert week brings players from around the world - Martin Nolan from Dublin on Uillean Pipes, Breabach from Scotland ( young band extrordinaire including Calum MacCrimmon), Alan Walters from Vancouver on small pipes and Highland Pipes.....plus all the other gaelic arts - Irish step dancing with Glenn Simpson, highland dancing with Delma Wilson , singing with Eileen McGann, percussion with John Fisher, Pierre Schryer on fiddle, Dick Hensold on Northumbrian Pipes and the list goes on. If you get a chance this time next year, consider going to the Island for a wonderful week climaxed by the mega concert at Nanaimo's Port Theatre on the Thursday evening - 900 enthusiastic celtic music fans !
Alan Walters, Mike Kildow, Rene Cusson and John Fisher Alan getting in some small pipe practice
Director Rene Cusson of Celtfest 2006 and a view eastward over the water from Tigh-na-Mara Resort
Wednesday, July 5, 2006 My brother's birthday today...just phoned him...no answer.... he is special! What piper out there can say that their brother gave them his set of silver and ivory Henderson's.... well I can't say it either, but I borrowed them 25 years ago and possession is 9/10's of the law...right ? ... thanks bro!...and Happy Birthday! We are in the middle of a fabulous week here at the Kingston School of Music and Dance. Scott Bell, as always, has provided us with first class accomodation, food and teaching facilities ... and the faculty is beyond compare for the pipe band world ... Jim Kilpatrick, John Fisher, Tyler Fry, Craig (Hoss) Calquhoun, Bob Worrall, Ann Gray and the weak link....me. But if you want great music, super evenings and a setting right on Lake Ontario, then get yourself a train ticket into Kingston next July...and by the way, last nite in the Tir Nan Og Pub, we had a fabulous session - fiddles, whistles, flutes, banjo, bodrans, uillean pipes and the best from St. James' Gate ... a slice of Co. Clare over here! ... would like to talk with you further, but I am off to the Queen's Pub tonite for the school social, and tomorrow to the BBQ...life is rough these days..... Hoss, Will, the Fish, Annie, KP,Tyman, Scott and the Captain At the Kingston School on the Shores of Lake Ontario
Drummers with Attitude ! Sunday, July 2, 2006 A great day at the Kincardine Scottish Festival....marred only by a thunderstorm that forced the cancellation of the last massed bands. I judged the band contests with Bob Worrall, Ron Rollo, Reay MacKay and Jim Hutton. The bands were paraded into the usual starting shoot and into a circle that was too confined. The enthusiastic crowd was right on top of the band contest. There was no room for the judges outside the second circle and as a result we had an extremely difficult time adjudicating because we were too close. In fact with the bigger bands, we could only hear piping in a confined area around a couple of players...this was definitely not a best case scenario...hence the results from a distance might have been different..... While having the fans right on top of the performance, a certain distance is necessary to assure adequate adjudication space. I speak for myself only, of course, but having talked with several knowledgeable players after the fact, they seemed to confirm my suspicions. Nevertheless, Kincardine once again proves itself as one of the best small games on the circuit. The townspeople must be commended...great show, Kincardine... see ya next year. Friday, June 30, 2006 The first week of the Ontario school has finished, so we are off to the Kincardine Games on Saturday, but not before an informal photo of the piping instructional staff was taken after the recital... Next week, the Kingston School of Music and Dance sponsored by the Rob Roy Pipe Band. The faculty lineup is impressive: Ann Gray, Bob Worrall, Jim Kilpatrick,MBE, John Fisher, Tyler Fry and Craig (Hoss) Calquhoun. We are guranteed of having a great time!!!!! The piping faculty at the Ontario School of Piping Angus MacColl, Rob Crabtree, James MacHattie, Kylie MacHattie, Jim McGillivray, Scott Williams, The Captain Thursday, June 29, 2006 Tonite, we held the final instructor's recital for the week - played to a packed Great Hall at St. Andrew's College. Many visitor's graced the campus tonite and it was a delight to greet several longtime friends, among them former Shotts drummer, Jim Hutton on vacation from Scotland. The Rollo's and the Hutton's after the instructor's recital Wednesday, June 28, 2006 The week at St. Andrew's College is proceeding quickly. And fortunately, the recitals have started. Angus MacColl was featured last night - fabulous 4/4's, Marches, Strathspeys and Reels, Hornpipes and Jigs along with the piobaireachd The Red Speckled Bull. Tonight we have Doug Stronach on the drums accompanied by James MacHattie up first and then Rob Crabtree, school director. Tomorrow will be the final performance of the week with Jim McGillivray, James and Angus. Many of these performances will be available on the Captain's Corner for your enjoyment. Comments please ? Sunday, June 25, 2006 Well, the Hamilton Highland Games went well yesterday under clear, sunny skies. We were burned to a crisp while judging the band contests in the afternoon. Congratulations to the award winners - The Metro Toronto Police in Grade 1, The Niagara Regional Police (Grade 2), The Hamilton Police (Grade 3), The Braemar Pipe Band (Grade 4) and The Windsor Police in Grade 5. The standard was good for this early in the season and bodes well for the majors coming up. Tonite we started the Ontario School of Piping in Aurora, Ontario - held annually at St. Andrew's College. The school started some 8 years ago as a joint project of Jim McGillivray and Rob Crabtree. The initial instructors were Jim, Rob, Willie McCallum and myself. Today, the first session this week hosts 64 piping students and 6 side drummers.... and it promises to be a fun and entertaining week. I will post recordings of the various instructor recitals as they occur....so get ready for some excellent downloads !
Angus MacColl, fresh from Spain, opening Three stalwarts of the school, year in and year out: the school with a couple 6/8 marches Social Convenor Ev Hazzard flanked by instructors Jim McGillivray and Angus McColl Wednesday, June 21, 2006 Well, the summer starts in ernest this weekend. On Saturday, the first Ontario major awaits us in Hamilton...all grades.... time to start to sort out who's who and stop the predictions! Gotta love the excitement in the air....and of course, for the Grade One bands, this starts their roll into Glasgow Green. The 78th Fraser Highlanders, by virtue of their 6th place last year, have already qualified for the final. The Metro Toronto Police and Peel Police will be battling for their spots in the coveted Qualifier list at the World's. With the upgrade of the Windsor Police, we no longer have an entry in Grade 2 at the World's this year....lets go Grade 2 and get up to the standard. And an interesting rumor this week....the Grade 2 at the World's this year is large enough that it will be sectioned into qualifying heats. Does anyone have a verification for this? And , the Ontario School of Piping in Aurora begins with the first of its two week's of instruction. Director Rob Crabtree has gathered an excellent team of instructors, headed by Jim McGillivray and Angus MacColl, to provide a fabulous week for the attendees. Mark the Thursday night instructor's recitals on your calendar if you live in the Toronto area. If all goes well, I will bring these recordings to you next week. In the meantime, enjoy the summer, the Games and your piping....see you in my travels.... Rob Crabtree - Director of the Ontario School of Piping Monday, June 19, 2006 Time sure flies ! It has been 9 days since I last visited. During that time, the Milwaukee School of Pipes and Drums has come and went! Every year I am amazed at the talent and enthusiasm that shows up for this fun and refreshing musical week. The instructional staff this year might have been our best yet and student enthusiasm most certainly was. Congratulations must go out to Ann Gray. After the exhausting week as instructor, she flew to Philadelphia on Friday night where she played her way to the overall champion of the United States Piping Federation, a qualifier for the Glenfidduch - a fabulous achievement. Well done Ann ! Ann Gray - Overall Champion USPF, Saturday, June 17, 2006 Saturday, June 10, 2006 Today starts the season up here in Ontario in many ways. The Georgetown Highland Games brings together pipers and drummers for the first outdoor contest of the year. At the same time, I have a noon flight to Milwaukee where we start the Milwaukee Summer School tomorrow.....one week of intense piping and drumming instruction. This year, the faculty includes Ann Gray, Anne Brown, Lyric Todkill, Tyler Fry, John Fisher, Ron Bowen, Kevin Arnold, Doug MacRae and myself.
John Fisher and Tyler Fry, the drumming faculty, Milwaukee School of Pipes and Drums Tuesday, June 6, 2006 Monday, June 5, 2006 Ah, the holiday is over and down to work. But, before the Capatin's Corner Classroom gets back to business, one last comment on the fishing is in order.... as implied elsewhere, piping and fishing are two of the more noble pursuits of man. Also, as Captain John MacLellan fished the River Shin with Angus MacPherson, perhaps one of my dreams has been fulfilled. This weekend, Colin MacLellan sent me an email Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 5:35 PM
Subject: hey
Hi Ken,
Take a look at this....
If you really fancy it I offer to take you up for the day, I know the exact spot that they fished at!
But I fancy it might be expensive.
Hope you're good!
Now what do you think of that.....I am awestruck .... and someday I will take Colin up on it. I wonder if there are any golf courses nearby - this would complete the grand slam - piping, fishing and golfing! What do you think, Colin?
Again, on the fishing topic, my good friend and piping student, Bruce (Wrangler) McQueen sends me a photo of himself pursuing the second of the grand slam events - King Salmon fishing in Wrangell, Alaska. This has to be the fish I missed!
![]() Wrangler McQueen and the catch of the day!
Friday, June 2, 2006 Well, back on terra ferma after a 17 hour journey (with connections) from Juneau to Fonthill. The last few days in Alaska proved most successful with the opportunity to work with the members of the Stroller White Pipes and Drums, in their preparations for the games in Anchorage at the end of the month. I realized that perhaps the strathspey idiom is the most challenging of all for pipers to grasp. With hard work and an explanation of the pulsing, I think all members improved noticeably. But proof will be in the performance so let's hold judgement until after the competition. The summer schools begin with Milwaukee next week. As the years go by, it is interesting to see the expansion of all the schools. It gives me an opportunity to touch base with many of my OnLine students for that once or twice a year tune up - face to face. I can't wait. With the Milwaukee school still fresh in my mind, I will be off to the summer school at St. Andrew's College in Aurora and then to Kingston.....and this is only the start....6 straight weeks and then to Scotland and the World's Championships - my annual pilgrimmage. What a summer!!! If you like piping, then just follow me. Hopefully there will be many events to record and post to the Highlanders Institute. Friday, May 26, 2006 Well, we are out of the bush and back in Juneau after a fabulous steelhead trip up the Situk River in Yakutat. George Campbell's Piper Super Cub got us in and out just fine...what a view of the mountains and glaciers from the air. The weather was better than anywhere in the world and the fishing was greater than that...all of us caught and missed fished, with a few trophies landed along the way... the minimum keeper size is 36 inches so you can well imagine catching one of these leviathons on a 8/9 wt flyrod is quite a task. Our results ranged from landed, to spit hook, to broken line, to broken rod, to broken hook. Can you image fighting a fish for 30 minutes to have the hook break at the final moment? Easier to learn a big MSR ! On the Situk River, Yakutat, Alaska George Campbell, piper, aviator and great guy - 38 inch Steelhead Saturday, May 20, 2006 I am up here in Juneau, Alaska and this morning we had a pipe section session with the Stroller White Pipes and Drums. They are preparing for the Highland Games in Anchorage, Alaska in June and making good progress with their QMM and their Medley. In the morning, we are off to Yakutat and the Situk River. Word has it that the fish are late this year, so we just might be right on time. Fly fishing and piping....the noble combination. This reminds me of a favorite read of mine - A Highlander Looks Back , by Angus MacPherson, Invershin. Angus' passion after piping was definitely fishing the River Shin for salmon. And my favorite quote of all time comes from Captain John MacLellan - " you know that you have made it as a piper when you are invited by Angus MacPherson to fish the River Shin"... a dream of mine - to fish the Shin....ahhhhhhh - in my dreams! On another note, congratulations to both FMM and Shotts and Dykehead, House of Edgar on their tie for the Scottish Championships today - the win going to FMM on an ensemble preference
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