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Winter Storm 2009
Winter Storm 2009 is history, but the music lives!...what a contest,
what a weekend !...happy to be a part of it and share the winners with you. The
Gold Medal Piobaireachd was a toss up between Jori Chisholm (pictured left) and Glenn Brown with
Yori prevailing with the "Lament for the Dead".
Others playing well to the standard included Alasdair Lee and Will Nicholls from the west coast and Roddy Weir and Neil Hall from Scotland. Now the Ceol Beag was an interesting final of six players and once again Alex Gandy prevailed to take the Gold Medal. What a day of good playing. Please enjoy the following recordings.
Alex Gandy and Glenn Brown
Gold Medal - Jori Chisholm - Lament for the Dead Silver Medal - Alex Gandy - The Piper's Warning to his Master Gold Medal - Glenn Brown - The Battle of Auldearn, Setting No. 2
Ceol Beag
John MacColl's March to Kilbowie Cottage, Caber Feidh, Neil Angus MacDonald, Joe McGann's Fiddle, and Angus John MacNeill of Barra
Bonnie Ann, Tulloch Castle, The Sound of Sleat, Finger Control, and Amanda Clarke
Now to look at some of the other great performances.... 2nd in both the Silver Medal and the Ceol Beag was Alastair Lee from British Columbia.
Alastair Lee
Silver Medal - Alastair Lee - A Flame of Wrath For Patrick Caogach Ceol Beag - Major Manson's Farewell to Clachantruschal, Caber Feidh, The Sheepwife, The Drunken Landlady, Wee Marie
Thanks to the competitors for allowing this broadcast.
Get Them Now!
eLessons on CD
The Captain's Corner has published Bagpipe Lessons on CD for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. Each CD consists of a complete year's tuition on a weekly schedule - written notes, music, drills and audio for each lesson. Pricing averages $1/week as each CD can be ordered for $52(CAD) plus $5. All CD's come cased with an index for easy lesson retrieval. To order yours now, click on the CD image to the right.
Click to Sample the eBook Format of the 2008 Lessons
Go to the Classroom for 50% discounts for subscribers. Become a subscriber today and receive the same bonus offer.
Who would find these lessons of value? All teachers, pipe majors - all students from beginner to advanced... anyone interested in becoming a better player.
Designed by Willie McCallum and Stuart McCallum
February 10, 2009
Muirhead and Sons - 1979
Donald McBride sent the Corner a photo this past week and it
brought back memories of the huge impact that Scotland had on many
of us growing up here in Canada. In the 70's, air travel was just
starting to become efficient and affordable. Players form this side
ventured across the Atlantic to play with bands like the Shotts,
Polkemmet Colliery, and Johnny Walker. No band was more influential
to Canadians than Muirhead and Sons from Grangemouth. At various times in the 70's Canadian players like Scott MacAulay, John Elliot, Hal Senyk, Kelly Todd, Michael MacDonald, Katie Forsyth and Johnny Kirkwood all played in the band. Pipe Major Bob Hardie was futuristic in encouraging players from around the world to join up. Little did we know that this would become the norm in the 2000's. Pictured here is the band at a 1979 presentation to Bob Hardie and lead drummer, Robert Turner. Picture 3rd from the left in the rear is Johnny Kirkwood, ex Clan MacFarlane lead drummer and soon to be the same with the Strathclyde Police. Beside him is a bearded Rab Wallace, soon to be sans hair. To the right of Bob Hardie in the 3 pieced suit is John Finlay and a younger version of Donald McBride on the left in the photo. Thanks to Donald for this glimpse of the past.
February 2, 2009
Kit Reynolds
The pipe band community lost a good friend today with the
passing of Kit Reynolds in Invergordon. Kit and a few of us go back many years
to when he was playing in the Invergordon Distillery Pipe Band with Alex
Duthart, Jim Hutton and Bertie Barr. Sadly enough, both Bert and Kit have passed
on within months of each other. We can never tell when our time is up.
I am so fortunate to have spent some time this past summer with Kit at the World's Pipe Band Championships. It was immediately after my judging assignment was over and the Grade 1 final had just completed. I was invited to the VIP tent for a glass of wine where there were several good friends waiting... and one was Kit Reynolds. He was bubbling over with enthusiasm is his pixyish way as only Kit could manifest. He always reminded me of what the perfect leprechaun would be like - and when talking with Kit, there was always a pot of gold somewhere. The picture to the left was obviously taken a few years ago... a salt and pepper Captain and a younger Richard Parkes from FMM with Kit in the middle. Kit had an illustrious career in his native Northern Ireland with Ballycoan and Robert Armstrong Memorial - then Invergordon with a brief stay in the USA. He was an adjudicator with the RSPBA and up until the time of his passing was right on top of the drumming scene...God Bless you, Kit.
January 25, 2009
Yes! Summer is Just Around the Corner!
These schools offer a fantastic week of instruction from world class players and teachers. On top of that, there are lectures, workshops, recitals and private lessons for those who wish...something for everyone. And if piping isn't on the plate for travelling family members, insist that they throw in their bathing suits and golf clubs... you won't be disappointed.
For more information, please email Sarajane Trier
January 20, 2009
What Goes on at Sea - Stays at Sea!
The Father of Waters Pipes and Drums of Mississippi, recently lead a sea voyage through the Caribbean - a 4 day piping and drumming cruise following up last year's successful trip from Miami. The 2009 edition left New Orleans and traveled to Cozumel and other destinations along with piping instructors Maureen Connor and George Balderose.
Pictured here is the complete group just prior to one of the many onboard concerts. Seated, left to right Maureen Connor, Instructor-Balmoral School of Piping; Jean Orcutt, FOW; Mavis Satterwhite, FOW; and Zoe Brumfield, Pipe Major, FOW. Standing are George Balderose, Instructor-Balmoral School of Piping; James Parker, Red River Pipes & Drums Pipe Major; Jim MacRae, Alabama Pipes and Drums; Matthew Beall, Alabama Pipes and Drums; Rob Moorehead, Baton Rouge Pipes and Drums; JB Griffith, Father of Waters Pipes and Drums (FOW) and cruise organizer). As was overheard after the cruise from an anonymous attendee "The "burning" question for that photo...."Just how many pipers can you fit into a hot tub?" I have no answer to this for I am sure it remains at sea... All the best to the FOW Pipes and Drums on future vacation-piping excursions.... sure looks like fun!
January 3, 2009
All the best for 2009!
Well, the new year is upon us and its time to resume our piping
activities... and this brings to mind the major events coming our way in the
next few months.
December 23, 2008 From Air Command Pipe Major to Captain!
Pipe Major Hugh Macpherson, CD (ret'd) has
informed me that The Royal Canadian
The practice of recruiting pipers into the Canadian Armed forces ended several years ago. I am sure that this will provide career opportunities for many a talented piper and initiate the resurgence of pipe bands in the Canadian military. Promotion to Captain from the rank of Pipe Major is indeed a rare occasion in the Canadian Forces. Pipe Majors Archie Cairns and John Cairns come to mind... I wonder if there were others.
The Captain's Corner offers its congratulations to Captain
Ferguson and wish him well in his new
December 10, 2008 The Life of the Rich and Famous!
Well, this could very well be Bruce Gandy in paradise. In fact, I think it is. One of the best travelled piping instructors around the globe, recently visited Hawaii to instruct the local pipers for a few days, but somehow, he got sidetracked for a game of golf - but not at any small insignificant course. Here Bruce appears beside his cart on the famed seaside course at Kapalua. Now look closely in the back of the golf cart and you might see a set of clubs plus the top of Bruce's drones just peaking out over the top! If you do, then it is simply your imagination! Bruce, we are all envious - what was it like returning to the cold, damp, rain and snow of Dartmouth? Now this has given the Captain's Corner an idea - how about a week on an island in the Caribbean with Bruce and myself - family event - winter - piping instruction in the morning and afternoon while the family enjoys the beach - enough time to do so yourself - well you get the picture - maybe January/February/March? Research first - email me if interested for 2010.
December 1, 2008
Duncan Gibson
Words cannot describe the grief that I feel tonight. Once again the pipe band world has lost one of its own. Duncan passed away this evening at the Henderson Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario after many months of suffering. He was a faithful member of the Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band - one of only 3 bass drummers in its history. He was my travelling companion... a trusted friend of many... a man with a constant smile and always put the bad behind him. He played in many pipe bands, most recently with the Niagara Regional Police and before that, the Toronto Police - a perennial instructor at Winter Storm in Kansas City, where he will be sorely missed. The Captain's Corner extends its heartfelt condolences to all Duncan's friends around the world - and he certainly had many. We will miss you my friend....
November 27, 2008 The George Forgan Award - 2008
A new award has been instituted this year to recognize the efforts of volunteers and event organizers that have given their time and efforts over the years to the PPBSO. The award is presented to recognize long time PPBSO president George Forgan, who through his time as president paved the way for the organization we know today. It was through his administrations that we opened up liaison with the RSPBA, we fostered the growth of seminars and examinations for adjudicators , and the music board. If asked today who the various presidents of the association were, pipers and drummers would respond with Bob Allen, Ron Rollo, Henry Roberts and the list would end with George Forgan - that was where history of the PPBSO seems to begin! This year's recipient is so well deserved. Working as Chief Steward tirelessly for the last 3 administrations, Andy Donachie has personally seen the organization improve to the point that all the games are smooth running machines. He instituted the promotional signs that many of you see around the contest arenas. He oversees all the proceedings of the games in an efficient and business like manner - 100% all business. All this is done with nary a whimper and always delivered with the best intentions for the PPBSO and its members. Little do members here know is the fact that Andy does all this twice a year - in Florida, as well, his adopted winter home. Andy is seen above receiving the Forgan Award from George's son Don Forgan, Pipe Major with the Hamilton Police Pipe Band and a long-time member of the Hamilton Branch of the PPBSO.
November 23, 2008 An Erskine for Me!
... if you're no an Erskine yer nay use ta me.... and so it went so many years ago. And today, we had an opportunity to revisit many memories and adventures we all had with Scott MacAulay, a member of the Erskine Pipe Band back in the '70's. It was a great day with music, tributes, a few tears and a lot of good times reminiscing some of those great tales that now seem as big in life as ever. The Erskine band was so well represented as pictured from the left with Calum Neil, Bill Sorley, Pat Moore ( for Davey Moore), Donnie Forgan, Davie Anderson, Graham Perrie, Diane (Buckley) Eller, Kelly Buckley, Rosemary (Nodwell) Hilbert, and Bill Eisen. We snapped the pic just as Bill Hilbert almost made it to the stage...sorry Bill! Also present but absent from the photo was George Dobbie, a founding member and John Recknagel who had to depart early. Sandy Keith was the Pipe Major but unfortunately could not make it up from Florida.
A wonderful letter came in this morning from Peter MacKenzie. Pete played with Scott and the rest of us all through the 70's and 80's - as with so many, Scott was a special friend.
"Ken - a few thoughts on Sunday, Kathy and I both want to
thank you, Chrissie, Bob, Sue and Donny for the effort and thought
in the presentation on Sunday. Seeing so many friends together helps
to cement the 30 or 40 years that many have dedicated to the art and
the friends and family that have made many of us so happy and
fulfilled. Scott's contribution will be timeless and always
remembered for the extraordinary skill and love that he shared with
all that walked with him. He was always the one that ran to the top
of the next hill and returned to excite us with his vision of what
lay ahead - we were never disappointed. I believe he ran so far
ahead and saw so much beauty that he decided to stay and wait for us
to find our way.
November 12, 2008 Another Sad Day
Another sad day for the Captain's Corner and all its friends.... around noon today, Jackie Fair, long time bass drummer for the Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band succumbed to an extended bout with cancer. We lost one of our greatest band members. With his wife Helen and 4 kids, Eleanor (wife of Gary Moore), Stephen, David and Jimmy, they were our initial family unit within the band. Social life centred around their home in west St. Catharines and even after retiring, Jackie was the keenest of supporters for the band and its members.
He immigrated from the Newmains/Wishaw area of Lanarkshire in 1953, fresh off winning the 1952 World's Pipe Band Championship with the Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia Pipe Band. As part of the John Kirkwood drum section, he settled in St. Catharines and played with the St. Catharines Pipe Band for 4 years, after which Jackie, along with John Kirkwood, established the Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band. Being a founding member, he never lost that special place in his heart for what the band was doing. Of course when piper Gary Moore (Peel Regional Police PB) married daughter Eleanor, Jackie once again had even closer ties to the pipe band world. Jackie Fair was one person that could always be counted on for a sense of priority and knowing the correct way to represent the band. He was our spokesman, and when nobody else could find the right words, Jackie always came through. He saw us through lean times as well as good times and for that alone, his friendship will never be forgotten. Helen, sister Etta, Eleanor and Gary, Stephen, David, Jimmy and your families, your husband, brother and dad was a special person. We are all richer for having known him. We are all thinking of you at this time. God Bless.
November 10, 2008 Let the Indoor Season Begin
Saturday, November 15, 2008 Competitors
Johnny Bassett (PPBSO), Bobby Durning (EUSPBA), Richard Gillies
(BCPA), Thomas Harrington (ACPBA), Erik Leiken (WUSPBA), John Lee
(BCPA), Jon Maffett (MWPBA), Events
6/8 Marches: 10:00 a.m. til noon Adjudicators
Willie McCallum Master of Ceremonies Geoff Neigh
November 5, 2008
Another Good Friend It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of a long time friend, Isabella Davidson. Born in Scotland, Isabel emigrated to North America in 1956, where she met her husband of 43 years, George Davidson. George was one time piper in the '60's with the Caber Feidh, City of Toronto Pipe Band and later moved to Niagara Falls to play in the Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band. It was here that we became great friends with Isabel - from the many BBQ's at their trailer park home just off the QEW to the great road trips on the bus with the band. Isabel was always front and centre with her quick quips, super smile and a wee story (mostly humorous) on the side. In the words of her family, she was a proud Canadian who always faced life head on! There is no better way of praising Isabel. We extend our condolences to husband George, sons Roddy, Craig and their children.
November 2, 2008 My Achin' Ears Have you had your hearing tested lately? What's that you say? Research has shown that permanent hearing loss may develop with prolonged exposure to any sound over 90 dB and given that the average pipe intensity is in excess of 100dB, it is no wonder that many an experienced piper will develop symptoms of hearing loss as they age. This isn't the selective hearing loss we are all accused of around the home, but an acute insensitivity to all frequencies, especially the spoken word that lacks volume.
I was reminded about this recently when I was surfing the web for hearing protection devices. I had grown intolerant of over the counter foam plugs because they distorted the sound for me. The graph here shows that for high frequencies, foam ear plugs will reduce the sound level by as much as 30 dB. This distortion was unacceptable to me so I haven't used them for years. What I was looking for was a reduction that was more uniform across the range of hearing and the ETY Plugs measured up to the task, with a minimum of 15 dB and a maximum of 25dB reduction over the complete frequency spectrum. The design is simple. ETY•Plugs use a patented tuned resonator and acoustic resistor that replicate the natural response of the open ear so that sound heard with these earplugs is as clear as the original, just quieter. And who uses these plugs? Listed are aircraft workers, construction workers, motor sports crews, coaches of athletic teams, factory workers and of course musicians. In fact, they promote our usage with a picture of a piper on the promo website. I was first made aware of these plugs by a student of mine, and since that time have recommended them to many others. Definitely worth a listen , I mean look.
Alex Gandy
When looking around North America currently, it is easy to spot the players of the future. These same players are players of the present, each making their mark on the professional competition scene at an early age.
Alex Gandy from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia is one of the most experienced of the under 25 set in the country. He has few peers when it comes to accomplishments on the international scene. Interesting enough, the main players in the same league all come from one common stock - the BC connection in Victoria and Vancouver and that is where Alex's tutor and mentor, his Dad Bruce, hails from. Alex has won the jigs at Oban (2007),with Bruce second; he has won the World's Pipe Band Championship with Field Marshall Montgomery Pipe Band (2007) and has competed successfully on the tough Scottish Highland Games circuit for three years. In addition to this, he is a second year university student at St. Mary's in Halifax. You will be able to hear him in preparation for the upcoming season in Scotland and Canada as he gets ready for a recording he will soon be sending the CPA for grading purposes. There is no doubt that Alex is his Father's Son, and hopefully will follow in the same footsteps as Bruce.
Listen to Alex Gandy playing three selections - a slow air, hornpipe and 2 jigs - a MSR - the piobaireachd "The Piper's Warning to his Master".
Some Great Music - Fiddle and Bow
Grant, Sydney, Cape Breton
Every so often you discover a musician that plays pure
soul. Even more surprising when that player is the son of a good
friend. Colin Grant's father, John, a doctor in Sydney played for
the Captain in the 80's as part of the Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band.
Recently I received a copy of his latest CD, self titled, Colin
Grant. It combines spirited reels and driving jigs with a little for
everyone. Pipers will relate well to this foot stompin' music. If
only we could bring such lift to our highland pipe playin'. Some of
the titles are very quaint...or should I say unique. Try
"Drive 'er Like Ya Stole'er", "Bee Flat", "Jingrant on the Sheepskin
Fiddle" (his Dad) and "Off the Beaton Track", which I am sure is in
reference to the great Beaton fiddlers from Cape Breton. Well
anyway, I hope you enjoy this track entitled "The Bow and Arrow
Set", as much as I do. His CD and itinerary are both available at
the Colin Grant
Do You Remember The Red Hackle Pipe Band? The 99P price tag is proof enough of the date of this album jacket (1971). The Red Hackle Pipe Band was a top contender through that time period. Under the leadership of John Weatherstone, BEM, MBE, they competed for several years at the CNE in Toronto. Beside PM Weatherstone in the photo is Malkie MacKenzie, the well known RSPBA adjudicator. On the right is PS Ian McIntyre - all old friends. Thanks to Allan Skalazub, ex Triumph Street Pipe Band, we have a recording of the Red Hackle in 1979. The opening tune has been the object of a long search - entitled "'Miss Laurie Jean Chilton" and composed by Iain MacCrimmon of Dundee, Scotland (formerly Edmonton, AB). Many knew this tune as the Triumph Street Pipe Band and it is good for the books that the correct name is published here. Many thanks to Iain. Click on the photo to download the Red Hackle at the World's Championships in 1979.
A Taste of the Todd Bar Recital 2008
Angus MacColl from Benderloch, Scotland - no doubt one of the best solo players in the world today. He just happens to have a lock on the Todd Bar Recital, year after year and 2008 was no exception. Listen to his fabulous March, Strathspey and Reel: The Highland Wedding, The Caledonian Society of London and Mrs. MacPherson of Inveran
Bruce Gandy
The US Piping Federation is an annual major for solo competitors held every June . Along with the champions banner, the winner often gains entry into the prestigious Glenfiddich contest later in the year at Blair Castle. Bruce this year took the double by winning both the MSR and Piobaireachd. This is quite common turf for Bruce as he won the London Society Gold medals back to back in 2002 and 2003. The Corner, as always, thanks Bruce for allowing the broadcast of his Leaving Lunga, Arniston Castle and The Brown Haired Maid
![]() Jack Lee Jack is one of the consummate performers of our age. Not only is he the holder of the coveted Gold Medals at both Inverness and Oban, but also the Pipe Sgt. of the five time World Champion SFU Pipe Band. His experience and accomplishments are all encompassing. It was a pleasure to spend a week with him at the Ontario School of Piping and even more of a thrill to attend his evening seminar on piobaireachd, from where this recording was made. Thanks to Jack for permitting it to be posted here. I hope you enjoy one of the great tunes - a set tune for the 2009 Silver Medal.
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