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The US Prize Pipe Winning Performances 2007 Ian Whitelaw Lord Lovat's Lament (Angus MacKay's setting) Spend a Week in Paradise with Ian and Murray Henderson
April 30, 2007 G3 Summit in Santiago, Chile Jim McGillivray writes: Just spent the last 5 days in Santiago working with 8 bands from right across the continent. Doug Stronach was also with me doing the drumming, and Ann Milne handled the dancing. Jim playing to an enthusistic awe-dience at the gala reception on Saturday, April 28, 2007 (photo courtesy of Jim McGillivray) A brilliant shot of the Eagle Boys School (Northern Chile) setting up through the Chilean rays! (photo courtesy of Doug Stronach) The Southern Cross Pipe Band and Dancers, Montevideo, Uruguay, performing at G3, April 2007 (photo courtesy of Alejandro Hernandez, SCPB)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 The Reunion on YouTube Thanks again to Steve Thomson (aka PipeFuzz), you can view the Clan reunion on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GY-2MxMn2c Hope you enjoy it!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Photos and appraisals are floating in from Saturday nite. From Ryan Barr - "FANTASTIC show on Saturday! That was truly amazing and I loved every single piece you played. Thank-You for that! " From his brother, Chris (Pipe Band Forum) - "What a great night. I was really impressed with the band. It was fun to hear the old style drumming. Wow, did they pack some stuff in there. I was expecting 4/4's, 6/8's and they did, with a bunch of other cool stuff. They played their big set and that was great." From Steve Thomson - "what a brilliant night, here are a few photies to enjoy. A great time, these guys have still got it for sure, no slouches in that circle! I have video and photos and will share as soon as I can get some time to DL. For those that missed it - a night of pipe band history, never to be repeated. "( Bob Dunsire Forums) The Clan, just after the show !
(Photos compliments of Steve Thomson) From Mike Cole - " What a great event! Seeing the band together again was a bit of magic, to say the least. The 'boys' were really having fun, and the crowd loved it. Andy Miller still has the touch and the moves. Watching him play again was a visual lesson of tenor drumming hstory! Amazing! Well done guys! "
Monday, April 23, 2007 Before the Evening in the bright sun of Windsor The Clan reunion is over and what a roaring success it was. The Windsor - Detroit branch of the PPBSO treated us like royalty. The trip down and back on the charter bus was as eventful as it gets. In many respects the weekend transported us all back to future. The next reunion is in progress....could be Windsor again with hopefully St. Thomas Police joining us or it might be Nashville for a visit to the home of country music. In any event, the 20 playing members and guests of 16 that made the trip are prime for another go at the event. If all goes well, you may see bits of the evening performance on Youtube.... be compassionate in your assessment!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007 The Donald MacLeod Memorial Contest, Stornoway, Lewis Amazing how communications work today...text message from Willie McCallum to Alasdair Gillies - cell phone from Alasdair to the Captain - the Captain internet to you ! Well after all that, here are the results of one of the most important non-majors of the year! As Alasdair puts it "Congratulations boys. Keep the great man's music alive"......
Angus and Willie Uist and Barra Overall - Alasdair Gillies Piobaireachd: MSR Hornpipe and Jig Overall : Willie McCallum
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Cruise the Caribbean in December! Join the Captain and Tom Foote Yes, its true ! Tom Foote (Metro Toronto Police and Tom Foote School of Drumming) and the Captain will be the instructors on board the piping and drumming cruise leaving Miami on December 13, 2007. 4 Day Western Caribbean Cruise from Miami, FL The cruise will stop at Key West and Calica, Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. Workshops are planned for the full day at sea after leaving Mexico. An evening recital and reception will welcome all guests on the first day. Private lessons or workshops may be booked by guests during the cruise. So Cruise and Pipe.... any amount of each.....For information, visit the Highlands and Islands Travel website. Special rates are applicable prior to April 19, 2007 and secured with a refundable $25 deposit.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 John Wilson on Jim McGillivray ! or Jim McGillivray on John Wilson ? The great John Wilson was a teacher and mentor to a complete generation of Ontario pipers from the mid 1950's through to his passing in 1979. As a double Gold Medallist and former POW, he emigrated to Canada and immediately had a long lasting impact on the piping scene. His pupils today rank among the top competitors and teachers of this generation. Thus it is truly remarkable that Jim McGillivray and David Waterhouse were able to arrange a visit with Mrs. Margaret Wilson, John's wife, to discuss John's music for publication and distribution through Jim's new site, www.pipetunes.ca . Little did Jim know what was about to happen !
John Wilson, Oban 1934 and his MacDougall pipes Please go to Jim McGillivray for the complete story.
Sunday, April 8, 2007 The Clan MacFarlane Reunion Well the winter - long reunion of the Clan is in full progress. With its only public performance only two weeks away (Windsor - Detroit 2 Band Nite), another great rehearsal was held yesterday in St. Catharines. The band hasn't aged any, but the players sure have!!!!!! It has been 11 years since the last reunion and a full 15 years since the Clan broke up, but the enthusiasm and love of the music still exists in every way. As Gary Moore put it yesterday " isn't it amazing how we all play the same style - no need for practice chanters to work out the differences! No wonder we all have problems fitting into other bands." .... and yes, the Clan had its distinctive sound and style. Although the pitch and drone buzz might be reminiscent of the 70's and 80's, the hands are all a little slower as we take a gentler and more mature approach to our music.... now if you believe that.... !
The Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band 1957 - 2007 Three of the four remaining founding members Jackie Fair (bass), Tommy Hills (tenor) and Mike MacNeil (pipes) The Clan MacFarlane Pipe Band - after win in Chicago, 1984
Friday, April 6, 2007 Judging Panel Addition - Congratulations Tim Ray! Captain's Corner subscriber and Ottawa area piper has been appointed to the judges' panel and will be able to adjudicate at all levels! Before you jump to conclusions about Tim judging the Grade 1 at Maxville in his first year out, please read on. ONTARIO JUDICIAL APPOINTMENT ANNOUNCED OTTAWA, April 2, 2007 - The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Niagara Falls, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced the following appointment: The Honourable Timothy D. Ray, counsel with Beament Green in Ottawa and with Ross, Cliffen & Morrison in Smiths Falls, is appointed a judge of the Superior Court of Justice in and for the province of Ontario. He replaces Mr. Justice B.J. Manton ( Ottawa) who elected to become a supernumerary judge. Mr. Justice Timothy Ray received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Ottawa in 1970 and a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) in 1965 from Wilfrid Laurier University and was admitted to the Bar of Ontario in 1972. His practice expertise is in the areas of litigation, administrative, insurance, personal injury, and corporate/commercial law. Mr. Justice Ray has acted as a Senior Instructor for the Bar Admission Course for the Law Society of Upper Canada, as a Director of both the Advocates’ Society and the Ontario Centre for Advocacy Training and as Adjunct Professor at Emory University in Atlanta. He is the recipient of the Gordon Henderson Lawyer of the Year Award for community service by the County of Carleton Law Association and a founding Director of the Almonte Hospital Foundation. He is a frequent lecturer and presenter at professional associations on general advocacy and various other issues. This appointment is effective April 8, 2007. (reprinted from the Department of Justice Newsletter) Ottawa RCMP Piper Tim Ray
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 The Knoxville (Tennesee) Pipes & Drums Wonderful how the piping network operates. Kenny MacLeod from McCallum Bagpipes forwarded me a letter today from a person in Tennesee wishing to take pipes. Being of little direct help myself, I forwarded it to Andrew Payzant, an exiled Nova Scotian now living in Knoxville. Lo and behold, Andrew forwards the same to Jay Dawson, the talented leader of Nashville band... and voila! We are in business.... just like that. But this gave me an op to touch base with Andrew, who is now the Pipe Major of the Knoxville Pipes and Drums, a group just starting their competitive career in Grade 5. Andrew hails from the Dartmouth and District Pipe Band scene - one of the dozens of accomplished players to emerge from the 70's and 80's in the Halifax area. I first met Andrew in 1979 when I was travelling to Nova Scotia for the Gathering of the Clans and the first NS Tattoo. The Knoxville Pipes and Drums at Dollywood with Dolly Parton As Andrew writes: The band (Knoxville grade 5) is progressing nicely and I hope to have them winning prizes this season and getting out of grade 5. We have 23 pipers on the roster, with probably 14 or so able to play in the competition circle, and 8 snare (probably 5 or so at competition level), so we are not hurting for numbers. I am getting 15+ pipers each practice. The playing level is improving at the entry level, and that's why we are a grade 5 band! I have one young lad (James Bailey) who is showing good promise in grade 4Jr this year and who I think has the potential to be quite good in a few years.
Contact the Knoxville Pipes and Drums
All the best to you, Andrew.
Friday, March 30, 2007 Calgary Indoor Contest Last weekend a few of us travelled to the sun of Calgary to participate in the Calgary Indoor Games, Recital and Workshops. The event was so well organized by Robert Henderson and his committee from the Caledonia Club of Calgary. The overall professional winner was Ann Gray as reported earlier this week in the PD site. Highlights of the weekend must certainly include the CD release party for Ann Gray preceded by the fabulous baked salmon (in pastry) supper party presented by Robert, his wife and daughter. I am indebted to both Scott Robertson and Rob Menzies for sending on some photos. Robert Henderson with judges Scott Robertson, Jeannie Hawes, the Captain and Rob Menzies The committee in Calgary have to be commended for the spirit and enthusiasm thrown behind this weekend event. The Friday opening featured a recital by the adjudicators - with Rob Menzies providing alternate Celtic music on the Low D whistle and small pipes.... top notch! .... MC Robert Henderson had a superb understanding of the performers and did us all proud with his introductions. The Contest events on Saturday went off without a hitch. One musical observation could apply to many of our younger players coming up. The musical presentation in most cases was quite good, but they must pay more attention to the technique and various rhythms. The workshops on Sunday were well attended and once again, there is nothing like having a good organizing team behind you. A special thanks goes out to our chauffeur Andrew...he took us everywhere. Next year, put Calgary on your calendar!
Thursday, March 29, 2007 Dunedin this Weekend This weekend marks the close of the southern games and perhaps starts thoughts of the games for the northern part of the continent. The Dunedin Highland Games are on in Florida and with good weather always assured it promises to be 3 days of ceilidh, contests and workshops. On a similar note, I just received an update on the City of Dunedin Pipe Band's summer agenda. The City of Dunedin Pipe Band - Pipe Major Sandy Keith The City of Dunedin Pipe Band under the direction of Sandy Keith is returning to Scotland on their bi-annual visit to the Worlds Championships. This year, as it was 2 years ago, they will have Gordon Parkes as the lead drummer. Gordon has been teaching this corps for the past 5 years, sometimes travelling 3 times annually to Florida's warm climes. He composes all the drum scores and is heavily involved with Sandy on the Ensemble effect. The band is currently working on the two sets required for Grade 2 at the Worlds
The Edinburgh Police Pipe Band
Atholl Cummers
Loch Carron
The Clan MacRae Society
Susan MacLeod
The Brown Haired Maid
The Band this past summer kept active by performing a concert in late July. The 2 hour show took a lot of hard work but it has truly enhanced their playing. Gordon arrives Thursday for an all important week of steady practice.
As John MacKenzie would say "all they need is a good tail wind".
Good luck to you Sandy and hope that the band has a good showing on Glasgow Green.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Gandy Champions the Duncan Johnstone!
Alex Gandy Mike Fitzhenry Field Marshall Montgomery Pipe Band well represented Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia took the overall honors at last weekend's Duncan Johnstone Competition held in Scotland by the Competing Pipers Association. Gandy placed first in the Piobaireachd (judged by Donald MacPhee and Euan MacCrimmon), 4th in the MSR (judged by Peter Hunt and Douglas Murray) and 2nd in the Jig (judged by Colin MacLellan and Brian Donaldson). Congratulations Alex ! Runner-up for the overall title was another Canadian, Mike Fitzhenry, from Calgary, Alberta - with a win in the Jig, 3rd in the Piobaireachd and 5th in the MSR. In fact, North Americans featured well in the list which included Megan Harrington of the San Francisco Bay area (4th in Jig) and dancing champion David Wilton, formerly from Canada, placing 3rd in the Jig and 6th in the Piobaireachd. For the full list of results, please visit the Competing Pipers Association .
Monday, March 26, 2007 Passion for Piping ! Do you really have a passion for piping?.... the Admiral's sister certainly has ! Can't miss Kelly Buckley PIPING through the Niagara Peninsula ! Kelly Buckley, St. Catharines, Ontario has recently began her teaching and performance business in a huge way! Piping for Passion is her own creation where she promotes her own services to the community - piping for various functions, with an emphasis on weddings, and teaching students both in her home and over the net. Her website also promotes her band activities with MacPherson's Rant, a group dedicated to a mix of Irish, Scottish trad and folk music. I knew you would just love her promo van above. Good luck Kelly !
The resting place for this blog from its inception to the present. A place where pipers can meet for a tune, a read and a pint - the latest in concert and contest recordings, book reviews and announcements. An area designed for both education and enjoyment. Hear current band/solo contests and adjudicate them as one of the judges.
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